8 Best Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks to Improve Productivity

8 Best Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks to Improve Productivity

Do you want to speed up work and increase your productivity while using Microsoft Word? It is one of the most popular word processors in the world and for all the right reasons. It is user-friendly, comes preinstalled with most Windows computers, and offers a free web version. Let’s take a look at some of the best tips and tricks in Microsoft Word to further boost your productivity with.

While the competition has largely caught up, Word remains a strong competitor. It is extremely rich in functionality and largely the reference standard for word processors. It also means that it can be overwhelming and that users often get lost in the user interface. We are here to speed things up.

Let’s start.

1. How to delete a page in Microsoft Word

There are two ways to delete a blank page in Microsoft Word. One way is to press the back button at the top of an empty blank page to remove it from the application. You can create a new blank page at any time by pressing Ctrl + Enter.

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Another way to delete a page when there is text or images on it is to select everything on that page. Then press the Delete key on your keyboard. It will delete the content of the page with the page itself.

Place the cursor at the beginning of the page, hold down the Shift key, then place the cursor at the end of the page to select all the content of the page that you want to delete. Press Ctrl + A to select everything on all the pages you don’t want.

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You can also delete the non-deleting end paragraph that exists at the end of the document before converting it to a PDF file or pressing the print button.

2. How to double space in Microsoft Word

Click the Design tab and select Paragraph Spacing on the right side of the toolbar. You will see Double under the Integrated header.

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Select it to insert a double space between the lines in Microsoft Word.

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Select a part of the content or the specific paragraphs if you want to double the space on these parts only.

The keyboard shortcut for accessing it is Alt + G to select the design tab, then press Alt + PS to open the Paragraph Spacing menu. You can then use the arrow keys to move up and down in the menu.

3. How to add page numbers in Microsoft Word

Click Insert and select Page Number to display a menu where you can choose the position of the page number before inserting it.

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You can then display the page number at your selected location, in my case, at the bottom center of the page.

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The shortcut to this function is Alt + N to select the Insert tab, then Alt + NU to open the page number menu. You can also choose to start dialing from the second page.

7. How to change the default font in Microsoft Word

Fonts have the power to change the whole meaning of a sentence. Imagine “I’ll follow you wherever you go” in romantic pink then in bloody and dripping red fonts.

Simply select the sentences or paragraphs and choose a font type from the drop-down menu under the Home tab.

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You can change the default font so that the chosen font is used each time a new Word document is created. Press Ctrl + D to open the advanced font options menu, select your font from the drop-down menu, then click Set Default at the bottom and save.

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After that, you’re done.

8. How to duplicate a page in Microsoft Word

You must first insert a blank page. Click the Insert tab and select Blank Page under Pages.

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Now select everything on the page you want to copy / duplicate by selecting it with the mouse pointer or cursor and press Ctrl + C to copy it. Go to the newly created blank page and press Ctrl + V to paste everything.

There is currently no other way to directly duplicate a selected page.

Words are sharper than the edge of a sword

Words are like bullets. Once they are spoken or read, you can never really take them back. Microsoft Word is an incredible word processor with many neat tricks under its sleeve. I hope some of the tips shared above will help you get started or get things done faster. Share your favorite Word shortcuts and tips in the comments below.


A collection of simple but cool Microsoft Word online tips and tricks to help you get things done quickly and easily, increasing your productivity at the same time.

Last updated on February 15, 2020

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