Detachable Chromebooks Are Better Mobile Computers Than Any iPad

Detachable Chromebooks are better mobile computers than any iPad

The iPad is on its way to replacing your laptop, but detachable Chromebooks are already here and can do it for you today.

Detachable Chromebooks are better mobile computers than any iPad

Best Chromebooks in 2022

Some of you may read the headline and scoff at the idea that Chromebooks rival any iPad today. Duet – A Chromebook with removable keyboard / trackpad accessories included.

About a week ago, I first tested iPadOS 15 on the iPad Air 2020. After using the Duet as my primary typewriter, I expected to be impressed. In terms of hardware, the iPad has a lot to offer, including a still undefeated SoC, and of course, this particular iPad costs almost three times as much as the Duet when you factor in Apple’s Magic Keyboard.

A few days later, however, I was a little disappointed. One-off tasks like watching a video or surfing social media worked fine on the iPad; However, the experience did not hold up as well in my daily workflow, which includes a combination of research, writing, and intensive multitasking. While there’s no denying that the iPadOS has come a long way, it’s unfortunately still too restrictive.

On its own, this observation probably wouldn’t be very interesting, but given how passionately Apple is marketing the iPad as the only computer you’ll ever need, it’s surprising that a $ 250 detachable Chromebook has surpassed so many areas. .

Apple will be quick to point out the peak performance, extensive application library, and tight overall integration of the iPad ecosystem. But I would say that these metrics alone don’t guarantee a great user experience. Most of us don’t edit photos or manipulate graphics for a living, and in most traditional productivity scenarios, multitasking and versatility are often more important than performance. Detachable Chrome OS devices do the first. even with very inferior material.

Why do I think Chrome OS is the winner in mobile productivity? Desktop mode. The latter allows you to resize individual apps and position them however you want. There’s even support for multiple desktops, which Apple pioneered in macOS X Leopard in 2006.

An iPad can run apps side by side, and a third can be moved temporarily. To my surprise, you can even use the keyboard to navigate the user interface. but two layouts just don’t offer as much flexibility for multitasking as floating windows or multiple tiles, as in some linux-based window managers. Even the Galaxy Z Fold 3 lets you open three apps at the same time when unfolded. Even after hours or days of sleep, Chrome OS restores all running apps without reloading.

I could go on to say that my Chromebook turned out to be less frustrating in a week, but to save time, here’s a little recap:

Multiple User Profiles – Chrome OS has dedicated user profiles, much like Android, Windows, macOS, and even Apple’s tvOS. But there is no such separation with the iPad. If you’re sharing a device with family members, the best thing to remember is to sign out of your personal accounts in Safari and individual apps; the only alternative is for everyone to buy their own iPad, which is not ideal.
External displays: Apple drew our attention to the Thunderbolt port on the iPad Pro, which has enough bandwidth for output at 6K resolution. However, you still can’t extend your iPad to an external monitor, it just mirrors what’s on the screen. It goes without saying that Chrome OS doesn’t have such a limitation and can adequately expand the desktop to as many screens as the port can handle. Unfortunately, the Duet’s USB port can only handle 1080p 30Hz displays, but newer detachable Chromebooks have a lot more bandwidth.
Niche use case: Despite all of its performance, iPad is still limited in many professional work processes. Take web development, for example. Chrome OS includes the full Chrome browser with DevTools. You can also install alternative browsers

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