How to Add or Delete Credit Card and Other Payment Info in Chrome

How to Add or Delete Credit Card and Other Payment Info in Chrome
Google Chrome usually allows you to save your credit or debit card details every time you add an online form to them. However, these tiny prompts are fairly easy to miss. Also, Chrome doesn't always allow you to decide whether you want to save your information online or offline. Therefore, just waiting for the browser to prompt you to save your card details is not enough.

Chrome Add Remove credit card information Featured Alt "width =" 1392 "height =" 824 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw , 90vw "srcset =" 1392w, : // cdn / imageur / media / assets / 2020/01/251631 / Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-Featured-Alt_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1578841910 700w, media / assets / 2020/01/251631 / Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-Featured-Alt_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1578841910 500w, /251631/Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-Featured-Alt_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png?1578841911 340w

But don't worry – you can always add your credit card information yourself directly. This way you have full control over what is synchronized between your devices and what needs to stay locally. In addition, you can also change or delete obsolete payment methods quite easily. So without further ado, let's see how you can do this in more detail.

Add credit cards to Chrome

Chrome offers two ways to save credit card information with. You can add your card details to Google Pay, making them available in Chrome on all your devices as long as you're signed in to the browser with a Google Account. Or you can choose to register your credit cards locally, which means you can only access them from the device from which you added them.

Register credit cards in Google Pay and sync with Chrome

Adding your credit card information to Google Pay is incredibly useful if you want your cards to sync across all devices. First, head to the Google Payments Center web portal using Chrome on your desktop computer, Android or iOS.

Chrome Add Delete credit card information 1 "width =" 1284 "height =" 732 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1284w, https: // cdn .guidingtech. com / imager / media / active / 2020/01/251624 / Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-1_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1578841911 700w, /01/251624/Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-1_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png?1578841911 500w, https: //n. Delete-Credit-Card-Info-1_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png? 1578841911 340w

Once you're in the Google Payment Center, go to the Payment Methods tab, then click or tap on the Add Payment Method option. You can then insert your credit or debit card details. After that click or tap Save.

Chrome Add Delete credit card information 2 "width =" 1095 "height =" 639 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1095w, https: // cdn .guidingtech. com / imager / media / active / 2020/01/251625 / Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-2_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1578841912 700w, /01/251625/Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-2_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png?1578841912 500w, https: //n. Delete-Credit-Card-Info-2_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png? 1578841912 340w

Note: Depending on your region, you can also add other payment methods, such as bank accounts, to Google Pay.

The saved payment methods will then appear in Chrome every time you come across a form that requires you to enter your credit card details. However, you need to enable the "Payment methods and addresses using Google Pay" sync option in Chrome in order for your credit card details to be available on all your devices.

Chrome Add Delete credit card information 3 "width =" 1181 "height =" 837 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1181w, https: // cdn .guidingtech. com / imageur / media / actives / 2020/01/251626 / Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-3_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1578841912 700w, /01/251626/Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-3_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png?1578841912 500w, https: //ps. Delete-Credit-Card-Info-3_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png? 1578841912 340w

If you have disabled it, go to Chrome Settings> Sync & Google Services> Manage Sync to turn it back on.

Register credit cards in Chrome locally

If you're not using Chrome on multiple devices, or if you're uncomfortable with storing your cards online in Google Pay, then save and keep them on one device. – even should do the trick.

To add and save your credit or debit card details locally, click or tap Payment methods in the Chrome settings on your desktop or Android device.

Chrome Add Delete credit card information 4 "width =" 1278 "height =" 816 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1278w, https: // cdn .guidingtech. com / imager / media / active / 2020/01/251627 / Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-4_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1578841913 700w, /01/251627/Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-4_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png?1578841913 500w, https: //ps. Delete-Credit-Card-Info-4_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png? 1578841913 340w

Click the Add or Add Card option, add your payment details, then click or tap Save. Chrome will then offer your credit cards whenever you come across an online payment form. If information about your card is also stored in Google Pay, all suggestions appear in the same list.

Chrome Add Delete credit card information 5 "width =" 912 "height =" 612 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 912w, https: // cdn .guidingtech. com / imager / media / active / 2020/01/251628 / Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-5_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1578841913 700w, /01/251628/Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-5_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png?1578841913 500w, https: //ps. Delete-Credit-Card-Info-5_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png? 1578841913 340w

On iOS, Chrome doesn't offer a direct option that lets you save your credit card details locally. To work around this problem, you can turn off Chrome Sync (Chrome Settings> Sync and Google Services> Sync your Chrome data), fill in the details in a real online form, and then save the details when prompted. This should force the browser to store the information on the device itself.

Edit or delete credit cards in Chrome

Outdated credit card information, redundant information, and duplicate entries give you good reason to change or delete the saved credit card information. The process will depend on where the card details are stored – Google Pay or offline in Chrome itself.

Edit / delete credit cards in Google Pay

To change or delete the credit card information stored in Google Pay, you need to go to the Google Payment Center. Once you're there, just tap Edit or Delete to edit or delete your credit or debit cards.

Chrome Add Delete credit card information 6 "width =" 1281 "height =" 753 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1281w, https: // cdn .guidingtech. com / imager / media / active / 2020/01/251629 / Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-6_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1578841914 700w, /01/251629/Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-6_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png?1578841914 500w, https: //ps. Delete-Credit-Card-Info-6_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png? 1578841914 340w

Note: Certain payment details cannot be changed (card numbers for example). If this is the case, you should delete the payment method and add it again.

Edit / delete locally stored credit cards

To edit or delete locally stored card details, go to the Payment Methods panel in Chrome settings. The payment information stored locally does not have a “Google Pay” tag, which facilitates their identification.

On desktop computers, click the three-dot icon listed next to the details, then click Change or Remove as desired. On Android, just tap the entry, and then you can edit or delete the information. On iOS, tap an entry to edit it, or swipe left if you want to delete it.

Chrome Add Delete credit card information 7 "width =" 951 "height =" 582 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 951w, https: // cdn .guidingtech. com / imager / media / active / 2020/01/251630 / Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-7_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1578841914 700w, /01/251630/Chrome-Add-Delete-Credit-Card-Info-7_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png?1578841914 500w, https: //ps. Delete-Credit-Card-Info-7_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png? 1578841914 340w

Note: If you try to change the credit cards stored in Google Pay from the Payment Methods screen in Chrome, you will be redirected to the Google Payment Center.

It's time to go shopping

Chrome's ability to automatically fill credit and debit cards is incredibly useful and saves you a lot of time if you shop online regularly. Therefore, updating your payment information while deleting outdated information is essential for a seamless experience. Just weigh the pros and cons of keeping your cards online or offline, and you should be good.

Then: Staying safe while browsing in Chrome is essential. Discover these 7 tips to strengthen confidentiality and security.

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