How to Link Microsoft Your Phone App to iPhone on Windows

How to Link Microsoft Your Phone App to iPhone on Windows

The good thing about Apple devices is that it's easy to link them. For example, tying the iPhone to Mac is a child's job, but when it comes to other platforms such as Windows, Apple devices begin to make temper tantrums . However, there is an application that allows you to link your iPhone to Windows. Let's see how to connect the application Your phone from Microsoft on Windows to the iPhone.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone Fi "width =" 1392 "height =" 784 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" / imager / media / assets / 247986 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-fi_a7153fd322e99d0e317eafa64f2891fc_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.jpg? 1575599516 700w, https: // en iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-fi_a7153fd322e99d0e317eafa64f2891fc_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg? 1575599517 500 w, 1575599517 340w

You must have heard about the Microsoft Your Phone application from your Android friends. They would have appreciated the application so much that you wanted to try it on your iPhone. But is it worth all the praise on the iPhone? We will find out.

Here we will explain how to link iPhone and Windows via the Microsoft Your Phone application and what happens after linking. Let's start.

How does the Microsoft Your Phone application with iPhone work?

If you have already connected an Android phone to the Your Phone app, things will look very different for the iPhone. This is because the application has many limitations in the case of the iPhone. You do not have as much power available for Android phones. In other words, you can not sync messages, notifications, or even photos available on Android. So what does the application do?

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 21 "width =" 1392 "height =" 671 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1392w, https : // 700w, media / assets / 247981 / link iphone-to-microsoft-your-phone-app-21_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg? 1575599523 500w, -21_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.jpg? 1575599523 340w

Well, it allows you to send links from supported applications such as web browsers, YouTube, Pinterest and more from your iPhone to the Windows PC. In doing so, the links will open directly on your system. For example, if you read an interesting article on any browser on your iPhone, you can continue to read it on your computer using the Your Phone application.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 22 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 752w, https / media / assets / 247984 / link iphone-to-microsoft-your-phone-app-22_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.PNG? 1575599518 500w, -22_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.PNG? 1575599518 340w
Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 23 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 752w, https : // 700w, media / assets / 247985 / link-iphone-to-microsoft-your-phone-app-23_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575599629 500w, -23_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png? 1575599629 340w

In addition to sharing links, you can also follow the pages visited via the Edge browser on iPhone. This is done via the Timeline feature on Windows. You can click on a web page in Timeline, and it will load on your PC.

The timeline also allows you to view recently opened / modified Microsoft files from Excel, Word, and so on. on iPhone. The files must have been saved in the cloud and this is only while you can view them in the timeline. Clicking on a file in Timeline will open it directly to your PC without having to open another application.

In short, it connects the iPhone and Windows in a different way from Android.

How to connect Microsoft Your Phone App with iPhone

If your system is running Windows 10 update from October 2021 and later, you have nothing to install because the application Your phone is preinstalled. If, however, you are running an earlier version, install the application from the following link.

Note: The application Your phone only works on the Windows 10 update from April 2018 or later.

Now, on the iPhone side, if you are looking for the Microsoft Your Phone app on the App Store, you will not find anything. It's because it does not exist. Shocked? So what to do?

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 1 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599519 752w, 2019/12/247929 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-1_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.PNG? 1575599520 700w, 2019/12/247929 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-1_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.PNG? 1575599520 500w, 340w

You must either download Microsoft Edge or continue on the PC application from the App Store on your iPhone.

Note: You need to install only one of the applications.

Once downloaded, the functionality differs in each application. Let's see how and what happens after connecting them. In addition, you have nothing to do on the Windows side in either case, except installing the application Your phone if it is not available. The application is simply a support.

Link Continue on PC on iPhone to Windows

Open the app Continue on PC on your iPhone. An educational screen will welcome you. Swipe left to check all screens. Finally, you will see the Try Now button. There is nothing beyond that. You can press it, but this will only open the browser.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 8 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599520 752w, 2019/12/247936 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-8_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.jpg? 1575599520 700w, 2019/12/247936 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-8_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg? 1575599520 500w, 340w
Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 9 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599521 752w, 2019/12/247937 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-9_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.jpg? 1575599521 700w, 2019/12/247937 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-9_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg? 1575599521 500w, 340w

This application has no built-in function. It just adds a new feature in the sharing menu. Here is how to use this application.

Step 1: Launch any browser on your iPhone and open a web page. The browser can be Google Chrome, Safari, etc. Then, when you want to open this web page on your Windows PC, tap the sharing icon in the browser. Swipe left on the application icons and tap Continue on PC.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 2 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599629 752w, https: // cdn 2019/12/247930 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-2_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575599630 700w, 2019/12/247930 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-2_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575599630 500w, 340w
Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 3 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599630 752w, 2019/12/247931 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-3_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575599631 700w, 2019/12/247931 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-3_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575599631 500w, 340w

2nd step: If the Continue on PC option is not available, press More. Turn on the toggle next to Continue on PC. This will add the shortcut to the main share menu. It's a unique step. Tap Done.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 4 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599648 752w, 2019/12/247932 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-4_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575599652 700w, 2019/12/247932 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-4_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575599655 500w, 340w
Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 5 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599661 752w, 2019/12/247933 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-5_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575599666 700w, 2019/12/247933 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-5_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575599668 500w, 340w

Step 3: Tap the Continue to PC option in the sharing menu.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 6 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599676 752w, https: // cdn 2019/12/247934 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-6_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575599680 700w, 2019/12/247934 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-6_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575599683 500w, 340w

Step 4If this is your first time, you will be asked to sign in with your Microsoft account. Use the same account that is connected to your Windows 10 computer.

Step 5: Once connected, you will be asked to choose a PC to share the web page. You will have the choice if you want to open the page directly on the computer or send it as notification so you can check it later. Use the appropriate option.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 7 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599527 752w, https: // cdn 2019/12/247935 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-7_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.PNG? 1575599527 700w, 2019/12/247935 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-7_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.PNG? 1575599527 500w, 340w

The notification will be available in the Windows Action Center. Click on the link to open it.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 10 "width =" 486 "height =" 572 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599527 486w, 2019/12/247938 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-10_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.jpg? 1575599528 340w

Note: Generally, you only need to perform steps 1 and 5. The others should only be performed once.

In addition to sharing web pages on PC, you can use the Continue on PC application to continue working on online copies of Microsoft files from Word, Excel, and others. In other words, if you edit such a file on your iPhone, you will find the same file in the timeline of the Windows PC. Click on the file to begin editing immediately.

To view the timeline, click the Task View icon on the taskbar. If it is missing, right-click on the taskbar and select the Show Task View button.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 11 "width =" 494 "height =" 367 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599528 494w, 2019/12/247939 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-11_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.jpg? 1575599528 340w

Scroll through the task view and you will find recent files from your iPhone. Click See all activities for all recent files.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 12 "width =" 1318 "height =" 797 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599528 1318w, 2019/12/247940 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-12_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.jpg? 1575599528 700w, 2019/12/247940 / link-iphone-to-microsoft-your-phone-app-12_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg? 1575599528 500w, 340w
Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 13 "width =" 1392 "height =" 573 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599529 1392w, 2019/12/247941 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-13_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.jpg? 1575599529 700w, 2019/12/247941 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-13_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg? 1575599529 500w, 340w

Link Microsoft Edge on iPhone to Windows

Using this method to link the iPhone to Windows limits its functionality to Edge only. In other words, you can not share pages from other browsers or applications.

Whatever the case may be, once the browser is installed, launch it and follow the steps:

Step 1: You will be asked to sign in to your Microsoft account. Use the same account that is connected to your Windows computer.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 14 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599689 752w, 2019/12/247942 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-14_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575599693 700w, 2019/12/247942 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-14_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575599695 500w, 340w

2nd step: You will be prompted to grant permissions for "Share information about the websites you visit" and "Share usage data for personalization." Grant both permissions. If you ignore it, you can enable it in Edge Browser Settings> Privacy & Security.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 15 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599530 752w, https: // cdn 2019/12/247943 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-15_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.PNG? 1575599531 700w, 2019/12/247943 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-15_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.PNG? 1575599531 500w, 340w
Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 16 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599531 752w, 2019/12/247944 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-16_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.PNG? 1575599532 700w, 2019/12/247944 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-16_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.PNG? 1575599532 500w, 340w

Step 3: Open a web page and tap the Continue on PC icon at the bottom of the Edge browser. Then select the PC to which you want to send the web page now. Tap Continue Later to send it as a notification. This is the only step you need to take. The first two must be done once.

Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 17 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599706 752w, 2019/12/247945 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-17_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575599712 700w, 2019/12/247945 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-17_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575599716 500w, 340w
Link the iPhone to the Microsoft application Your Phone 18 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599534 752w, 2019/12/247946 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-18_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.PNG? 1575599534 700w, 2019/12/247946 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-18_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.PNG? 1575599534 500w, 340w

Although this method limits the functionality of the Edge browser, it provides additional functionality. In other words, you can now view the web pages that were recently opened in the iPhone Edge Browser on your Windows PC through the Timeline function in the job view. To do this, open the task view as shown in the above method, scroll down and click on the Web pages indicated by the Microsoft Edge text if you want to open it on your PC.

Link the iPhone to the application Microsoft Your Phone 19 "width =" 1392 "height =" 889 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width : 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" 1575599535 1392w, 2019/12/247947 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-19_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.jpg? 1575599535 700w, 2019/12/247947 / link-iphone-to-Microsoft-your-phone-app-19_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg? 1575599535 500w, 340w

Shuttle Views

As you have seen, the functionality is limited with respect to the iPhone. Well, the Apple ecosystem is conservative and restrictive. In addition, the Continue on PC function does not work sometimes. If you also have the same problem, find out how to solve it. If you are disappointed with the application, you can try other alternatives like SHAREit and Feem.

Then: Do you own a Samsung phone? Discover the difference between the Microsoft Your Phone app and Samsung Flow. Find out which one to use to connect your Android phone to Windows from the given link.

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