How to Send Google Forms Responses to Multiple Email Addresses

How to Send Google Forms Responses to Multiple Email Addresses
Google Forms is one of the best online data collection tools in the world. With a Google account, you can easily create polls, RSVPs and other forms and also manage their responses.

However, for each response to your forms, Google only sends a notification to the email address of the form creator / account owner.

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It’s cool. However, what if you want multiple people to have access to a form's answer without having to give them access to your Google Account.

Suppose, for example, that your company's marketing team is doing a survey using Google Forms. And as a team leader, you want each member of the team to have full access to each response to the form in their inbox. How do you do it?

Or say that you are planning a party and want all members of the party planning committee to receive RSVP responses online in their inbox. Follow the steps below to find out how.

Take everyone with you

Being able to automatically share responses from a survey, RSVP or other event with multiple people (teammates, colleagues, etc.) is an effective way to quickly keep everyone informed of news updates on a form. Follow the step-by-step guide above and you will also be able to send Google Forms replies to multiple email addresses in no time.

Then: Conditional logic spices up your Google forms. Read the linked article below to find out how to make your forms smarter and more concise by adding conditional logic to them.

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