Restrict vs Block on Facebook: Which Privacy Setting Should You Use

Restrict vs Block on Facebook: Which Privacy Setting Should You Use

Imagine this: your parents join Facebook and they add you. Clumsy, no? First of all, you would not think of accepting the request. But that will not seem right. So you add them. But after that, you want to hide their messages from them. You could then think about blocking them. But it is too hard. You should rather restrict them. What is the difference between blocking and restricting on Facebook? Find the answer here.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook Fi3 "width =" 1392 "height =" 784 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441873 1392w, restrict-vs-block-facebook-fi3_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.jpg 1575441873 700w, 500w /247698/restrict-vs-block-facebook-fi3_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg?1575441873, https ?: // 340w

The normal way to hide individual messages is slightly hectic because you will need to change the privacy setting each time you publish. And you will continually think whether you made the change or not. For simplicity, you can put them on the short list.

Let's see how the restriction and blocking options differ from each other.

What is blocking

Blocking is a way to avoid any kind of communication on Facebook with the other person. Blocking is not just about communication. Both parties can not see anything on the other. In layman's terms, it's as if the other person did not exist on Facebook. You can read our detailed explanations about what happens when you block someone on Facebook.

What does restrict mean on Facebook?

Facebook has no particular feature called "restrict" as present on Instagram. However, there is a special type of list of friends known as the short list that has exclusive powers. Basically, you need to add people to the restricted list to restrict them. And when you do, they can not see your posts unless the privacy setting is set to Public or you mark them. This is a dimmed version of blocking people without informing them.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 21 "width =" 1049 "height =" 606 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441441 1049w, assets / 2019/12/247691 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-21_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441441 700w, 21_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441441 500w,

That's how it works. If you put your boss on the short list and post something on Facebook with friends selected as public, then your boss will not see it. You do not need to change audience at the time of publication; The short list will do this. But, if you post something with a privacy setting as public or you tag your boss in a desktop photo, your boss will see it.

Now that you have a little idea of ​​both features, let's see what happens to various things on Facebook when you use one or the other.

Are you restricting or blocking you is not friend

When you put someone on the shortlist, you continue to stay friend on Facebook. However, blocking a person is not favorable to you. This means that you will both be deleted from the friends list of the other.

If you limit or block someone, can you see everyone's messages?

Things differ a lot for both in this area. As mentioned before, blocking makes the other person invisible to you. Since you can not see the other person on Facebook, it's out of the question to be able to see his posts on your feed. And this remains true for both parties. It is neither you nor the stranded person will be able to see new and old messages from each other. Also, it does not matter whether the post is public or set to Friends Only – you can not view it.

Restrict is a one-way street. When you limit a person, she can not see your future messages. However, it is only valid if you choose the Friends privacy setting. If you choose Public as Public, everyone, including people on the shortlist, will see it. In addition, if you mark the person, they can also see this message.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 1 "width =" 646 "height =" 647 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441442 646w, assets / 2019/12/247660 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-1_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441442 500w, 1_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png? 1575441442 340w

Moreover, nothing changes for you. In other words, you can still see this person's posts based on the chosen privacy settings. And for old messages, you can both view them by visiting the timeline. However, this again depends on the individual publishing settings.

Can you post on the wall

Not in case of block. Since you do not have access to the profile itself, none of you can post on the wall. But, yes, both can be displayed on the wall of the other in case of restriction of someone.

What happens to stories

Facebook stories, which are a different feature of the news feed, also support the weight of both features. When you block someone, the stories also become hidden. You can not see the stories of others as publications.

On the other hand, people on the short list can not see your stories, but you can see their stories.

Can you send a message

Not in case someone hangs. Both lose the right to exchange messages. There is one exception, however. You will always see yourself in the common group chats on Messenger. And the old thread of messages will remain in Messenger. If the wire is bothering you, check in instead of deleting it.

Block on Facebook 10 "width =" 702 "height =" 1402 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: // 702w, -facebook-10_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1553103888 700w, /imager/media/assets/220137/block-on-facebook-10_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png?1553103889 340W

Nothing changes in terms of mail for the short list. You can both send messages to you normally.

What happens to tags?

When you block someone, you can not tag him or her either. But you can both label yourself in the case of the short list. And when you mark the restricted person, she will see the publication even if the privacy setting is set to Friends.

What happens to the common groups

Facebook groups remain unchanged when you block or limit someone. In other words, you can always see each other's messages in common groups. However, in the case of blocking someone, you can not click or tap on his profile because his name would appear in black instead of blue.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 2 "width =" 910 "height =" 543 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441442 910w, assets / 2019/12/247661 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-2_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441443 700w, 2_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441443 500w,

Will other people know when you limit or block them?

Not really. Although the other person is not warned in either case, she may feel that something is wrong. For blocking, your profile will disappear from their view. They might think you have disabled your account. But if they ask someone else to check your profile, check their posts or use other techniques to find out who has blocked them, your secret will be disclosed. .

In case of restriction, it is a bit difficult to know unless the person is close to you. This is because someone else might not notice that he does not see your messages. Only the person close to you will notice that something is fishy. If they're asking a common friend to check your recent posts, again, the secret will be that you've hidden the messages from them. But there is no direct way to know if anyone has restricted you or not. Unless the person tells you.

Are both permanent

Yes. Unlike Snooze, which only stays for 30 days, blocking and restricting modes continue until you manually revoke them.

Repeat tips on Facebook 1 "width =" 912 "height =" 635 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: // 1573151788 912w, 2019/11/244480 / snooze-on-facebook-tips-1_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1573151788 700w, 1573151788 500w,

What happens when you unblock and delete from the shortlist

When you unlock a person, one of you will have to send a friend request to continue to be a friend on Facebook because blocking is not favorable to you. If accepted, things will return to normal. However, if you do not add it, or if the person rejects it, you will only see the messages that are set to Public. You will not be able to post on their wall or see their stories.

Removing a person from the restricted list gives them the power to post your normal articles and stories again, even if they are set to Friends Only. As other things remain unchanged when you limit a person, they continue to function normally.

How to restrict someone on Facebook

There are two ways to proceed.

Method 1: from the Facebook profile

Here's how to proceed.


On the Facebook site, open the profile you want to restrict and click the Friends button. Select Add to another list. Click Restricted.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 3 "width =" 1077 "height =" 562 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441444 1077w, assets / 2019/12/247662 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-3_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441445 700w, 1575441446 500w,
Restrict Vs Block Facebook 4 "width =" 1076 "height =" 574 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441447 1076w, assets / 2019/12/247663 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-4_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441448 700w, 1575441449 500w,


On the Android app, open the profile and tap the Friends option, then tap Edit Friends List.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 7 "width =" 702 "height =" 1402 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441450 702w, assets / 2019/12/247666 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-7_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441451 700w, 1575441451 500w,
Restrict Vs Block Facebook 8 "width =" 702 "height =" 1402 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441452 702w, assets / 2019/12/247667 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-8_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441452 700w, 1575441453 500w,

Select Restricted in the list. Selected lists will have a blue check mark next to them.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 9 "width =" 702 "height =" 1402 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441453 702w, assets / 2019/12/247668 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-9_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441454 700w, 9_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441454 500w,


On iPhone, visit the profile and tap the friends icon, then tap Friends on the next screen.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 10 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441456 752w, assets / 2019/12/247669 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-10_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441457 700w, 1575441458 500w,
Restrict Vs Block Facebook 11 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441459 752w, assets / 2019/12/247670 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-11_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441459 700w, 11_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441459 500w,

Tap Edit Friends Lists and choose Restricted. Tap Done.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 12 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441460 752w, assets / 2019/12/247671 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-12_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441460 700w, 12_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441460 500w,
Restrict Vs Block Facebook 13 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441461 752w, assets / 2019/12/247672 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-13_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441461 700w, 1575441461 500w,

Method 2: from the lists

On the Facebook site, click on the Friends List option found in the left sidebar under Explorer. If the option is missing, open the link Click Restricted.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 5 "width =" 922 "height =" 785 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441461 922w, assets / 2019/12/247664 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-5_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441461 700w, 5_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441462 500w,

You will be redirected to the shortlist. Here you will see everyone on the list. Use the box on the right that says "Add friends to this list" to search for the friend you want to add to this list.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 6 "width =" 1350 "height =" 705 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441462 1350w, assets / 2019/12/247665 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-6_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441462 700w, 1575441462 500w,

Note: This method does not work on Facebook mobile apps.

How to remove someone from a short list

On mobile apps, repeat the steps above to add them to the Restricted list of method 1. Uncheck Restrict to the last step. Method 1 also works for the Facebook website.

On the Facebook website, you can do it in another way by following Method 2. In other words, visit Click Restricted.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 5 "width =" 922 "height =" 785 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441461 922w, assets / 2019/12/247664 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-5_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441461 700w, 5_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441462 500w,

Then click Manage List at the top right and then Edit List. Click on the name of the person you wish to remove from the list.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 14 "width =" 1343 "height =" 614 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441463 1343w, assets / 2019/12/247673 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-14_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441463 700w, 1575441463 500w,

How to block someone on Facebook

On the Facebook site, open the profile and click on the three-dot icon near the cover photo. Select Block from the menu.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 15 "width =" 1153 "height =" 572 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441464 1153w, assets / 2019/12/247674 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-15_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441464 700w, 1575441465 500w,

On the Android app, tap the three-dot icon on the person's profile screen and select Block.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 16 "width =" 702 "height =" 1402 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441466 702w, assets / 2019/12/247675 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-16_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441467 700w, 1575441467 500w,
Restrict Vs Block Facebook 17 "width =" 702 "height =" 1402 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441468 702w, assets / 2019/12/247676 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-17_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441468 700w, 17_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441468 500w,

On iPhone, tap the friends icon and select Block.

Restrict Vs Block Facebook 18 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441470 752w, assets / 2019/12/247677 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-18_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441472 700w, 18_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441473 500w,
Restrict Vs Block Facebook 19 "width =" 752 "height =" 1336 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441474 752w, assets / 2019/12/247678 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-19_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441474 700w, 19_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441474 500w,

How to unlock someone on Facebook

To do this on mobile apps, go to Settings & Privacy> Settings> Blocking. Tap Unlock next to the person.

Block on Facebook 3 "width =" 702 "height =" 1402 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: // 702w, -facebook-3_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1553103905 700w, /imager/media/assets/220130/block-on-facebook-3_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png 1553103906 340w
Block on Facebook 5 "width =" 702 "height =" 1402 "data-sizes =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: // 702w, -facebook-5_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1553103918 700w, /imager/media/assets/220132/block-on-facebook-5_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.png?1553103919 340W

On the website, open Settings and click Lock on the left side. Click Unblock for the person you want to unlock in the Block Users section. Vous pouvez également utiliser la même méthode pour bloquer une personne.

Restreindre Vs Block Facebook 20 "width =" 1296 "height =" 629 "data-tailles =" auto "tailles =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https : // 1575441475 1296w, assets / 2019/12/247679 / restrict-vs-block-facebook-20_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png? 1575441475 700w, -facebook-20_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1575441475 500w,

Pointe: Comme vous pouvez le voir sur la capture d'écran, vous pouvez également accéder à la liste restreinte à partir de cette page.

Comment bloquer les personnes restreintes

Vous pouvez bloquer des personnes restreintes de la même manière que vous le faites pour les autres. Il n'y a pas d'autre méthode spéciale.

Qu'est-ce qui est pire – bloquer ou restreindre

Les deux paramètres de confidentialité vous aident à éviter les gens. Alors que l'un est beaucoup trop dur, l'autre est légèrement poli et caché. Quand il s'agit d'être le pire, le bloc règne. Lorsque vous bloquez quelqu'un, vous n'existez plus pour lui et vice versa. C'est la punition la plus sévère que vous puissiez infliger à quelqu'un sur Facebook. C'est tellement strict que même vous perdez le pouvoir de voir leur profil.

Au contraire, restreindre quelqu'un, c'est simplement lui cacher automatiquement vos messages. Ils ne sauraient jamais qu'ils ont été limités. Dans le cas où vous souhaitez masquer vos publications et également cesser de consulter les publications d'autres sans les bloquer, vous devriez vérifier la fonction Take a break de Facebook.

Then: Lisez le prochain article pour découvrir la différence entre les autres options de confidentialité sur Facebook, c'est-à-dire, faites une pause, ne soyez pas ami et ne suivez pas le lien ci-dessous.

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