How to Delete a TikTok Video on Android, iPhone, and Computer

How to Delete Videos on TikTok

There are many reasons why you might want to delete a TikTok video. Maybe the video didn’t turn out well, the edit didn’t sync with the video, or the video didn’t get as many responses as expected. Well, the trigger point for deleting a video can come anytime during the process. So here is a complete guide on how to wipe off the TikTok video.

How to Delete Videos on TikTokYou can delete a video on TikTok from the recording, editing and posting screen, or even after posting. Although the process is simple, there is no way to recover the videos once deleted. So, if you are sure, follow the steps below.

To note: All the methods mentioned below are applicable for both Android and iOS.

How to delete a TikTok video before posting it

Once you are done with the video, there are a few more steps to posting a video to TikTok. These steps consist of adding sound, effects, text, description, and hashtags. This means that you have enough time to decide whether to publish the video or delete it and refilm it.

Here’s how to remove current TikTok videos from the recording screen before posting them online.

Delete TikTok video from recording and editing screen

Sometimes you start recording the video only to realize that it is not appropriate. Sometimes you go ahead in editing the video by adding a background score or doing some editing, only to find that the video is not up to par. Follow these steps to delete the video immediately.

Step 1: When you see the video preview on the editing screen, tap the back arrow in the left corner.

2nd step: Tap the X (close button) in the upper left corner.

Step 3: Choose Start over or Delete to delete the draft.

Start Over will keep you on the same screen and allow you to save again, while Discard will take you back to your starting screen.

Here is. But what if you’re on the publish screen? Proceed to the next method.

Delete a TikTok video from your account’s post screen

Step 1: Tap the arrow in the upper left corner to go back.

2nd step: Press the back arrow again.

Step 3: Now press the X button on the top left.

Step 4: Finally, choose Start Over or Delete.

This should delete the existing video and allow you to start over. However, what if you have already saved a few TikTok videos in the draft but no longer need them? Follow the steps in the next section to get rid of it.

How to Delete Saved Draft TikTok Video

If you have videos saved as a draft that you won’t post, you can delete them from a draft of a post or multiple posts at once. Here’s how:

Delete a draft video from your TikTok account

Step 1: Open the TikTok app and go to the Profile tab.

2nd step: Tap on Drafts.

Step 3: Now long press on the video you want to remove from drafts and tap Remove draft.

You deleted the video from the draft. What if you have many videos in the draft that you want to delete? Follow the next method.

Delete multiple TikTok video drafts

Step 1: Open the TikTok app and go to the Profile tab.

2nd step: Go to Drafts.

Step 3: Tap Select, choose the video drafts you want to delete, then tap Delete.

Step 4: In the prompt, select Delete.

How to delete a video posted on TikTok

Sometimes you realize that the video could have been better after posting it. In this situation, you can delete the shared TikTok video and repost it. Here’s how.

To note: If your settings allow other users to download your video, there is little you can do to prevent the video from circulating. Even if you delete the video from your TikTok gallery, someone may have downloaded a copy that can be re-downloaded.

Delete shared video using TikTok mobile app

Step 1: Open the TikTok app and go to the Profile tab.

2nd step: Navigate to the video you want to delete and tap the More button (three dots) at the bottom right.

Step 3: In the third row, swipe right and tap Delete.

Step 4: Now press Delete to confirm.

That’s it! You deleted the video posted on TikTok. Now let’s see how to do it using the TikTok website if you are using your computer.

Delete video using TikTok website

Step 1: First, open the TikTok website and log in if you haven’t already.

Open the TikTok website

Open the TikTok website

2nd step: Go to your profile tab in the top right and click View Profile.

click View Profile

click View Profile

Step 3: Select the video you want to delete.

Select the video you want to delete

Select the video you want to delete

Step 4: Click the three dots icon.

click on the three (plus) dots

click on the three (plus) dots

Step 5: Click the Delete button.

Click the Delete button

Click the Delete button

Step 6: Now in the prompt, click Delete again to confirm.

click Delete again

click Delete again

Your video will be deleted instantly. But what if you deleted a video that you had no intention of deleting? Is there a way to recover it? Let’s find out in the next section.

Can you recover a deleted TikTok video

When you delete a video on TikTok, it is completely deleted from your account. If you can’t risk losing the video, you may be able to contact TikTok’s support team for help. Other than that, the video cannot be restored.

Therefore, before deleting a video, keep a copy of it, as this is the only way to prevent it from being lost forever. Alternatively, you can also make the videos private so you can access them later.

How to Make Videos Private on TikTok

Much like YouTube, TikTok also lets you make videos private, which is a great alternative to deleting them altogether. Here’s how:

Step 1: Open the TikTok app and go to the Profile tab.

2nd step: From here, tap on the video you want to make private.

Step 3: Tap the three-dot icon in the lower right corner.

Step 4: In the third row, scroll to the right and select Privacy settings.

Step 5: Now tap on “Who can watch the video”.

Step 6: Finally, choose Me only to make the video private.

Under Privacy Settings, you can also choose to share the video with friends you follow.

FAQ on deleting TikTok videos

1. Can I delete someone else’s TikTok posts?

No, you cannot delete someone else’s messages. However, you can delete someone else’s comments on your post.

2. Can I report a video on TikTok?

You can report a video by going to “Report a Page” on TikTok.

3. How long can TikTok videos last?

The maximum video length on TikTok has been increased from 3 minutes to 10 minutes.

Quickly remove your embarrassment

Filming, editing, writing, deleting and re-filming is a creative process that can only be controlled to a certain extent, which we believe TikTok understands. I hope this article helped you remove those embarrassing Tiktok videos from your account.

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