How to get more than 10 results on a single Google Search Page

How to get more than 10 results on a single Google Search Page

You may have noticed that when you search on Google, the search page returns results. By default, the search page is configured to display a maximum of the first 10 results. If you want to increase this default limit, refer to the instructions below to change the number of results displayed per Google search page.

Get more than 10 results on a single Google search page

Want to know how to get 100 search results in Google? Follow these tips to get more than the 10 default results on a single Google search page. There are two simple ways to do this:

  1. Add a search parameter to the URL
  2. Change the value under the Global Preferences page

With a huge search market share, Google is undoubtedly the most popular search engine. You can also customize it as you like by having it display more search results on a single page.

1) Add a search parameter to the URL

You can choose to use this method when you do not sign in to Google, or if you only want to change the results of a query, not all searches.

So, go to and enter the searched keyword in the empty search field.

Perform the search by pressing the keyEnter'Key.

Instantly, the search engine results page will return the results.

On the search results page, at the end of the URL, add the following parameter.


or X is the number of results you want to display (for example & num = 50)

Press Enter to restart the search process with your results by page request.

You will notice that the page will be reloaded and will display 50 results per page, as you wish.

2) Change the value under the Global Preferences page

When you're signed in to your Google Account, you can edit thenumber of results'Who are returned by page. Here's a way to go!

Go to

Get more than 10 results on a single Google search page

While logged in, look for theSettings'Option located in the lower right corner of your computer screen.

Once found, click on 'Settings'And in the list of options displayed, select'Search parameters"

The action, once confirmed, will take you toSearch parametersThe page.

Once there, under "results per page'Section', you will find a cursor to modify the results displayed by page. Move the slider to the desired value. 10 is the default value. Other options include,

When done, click on the buttonSave preferences'Button at the bottom right of the page.

Return to Google Search and search with your new set of values.

This way, you can change the number of results displayed on a single Google search page.

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