WhatsApp lets you block a person to prevent any spam or barrage of messages. Whether it’s someone you’ve just started dating or a school friend who’s baiting you into a multi-level marketing scheme. While you can block such a person, WhatsApp doesn’t notify the sender. But if you can’t send messages or get through someone, there are some indications to learn about if you’ve been blocked on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp’s Block option is a nift privacy feature that doesn’t notify users when they get blocked. But once you are blocked on the IM app, there are some smarter ways to learn whether your acquaintance, potential customer, or date has blocked you. Here’s how to start.

When the person is active on WhatsApp, you normally see ‘Online’ status regardless of their last seen setting. But when someone blocks you, you won’t see the online status.
There are chances that the person has disabled the ‘Last Seen At’ option in WhatsApp and is not online on WhatsApp at that moment.
If that’s the case, then it’s unlikely you’ll be able to see their display picture.

To get a broader idea of ββthe WhatsApp block add-on, you can learn our dedicated post on what happens when you block someone on WhatsApp.
When you try to send messages, you will see only one tickmark. That indicates that the message has reached WhatsApp servers. You won’t see double tickmarks as the message never leaves WhatsApp servers and reach the recipients’ WhatsApp account.

Try sending as many messages as possible, but none of them will reach another person’s phone, and you will continue to see a single tickmark in conversations.

But if the person has blocked you, you will only notice calling status while making a voice or video call on WhatsApp. However, this isn’t accurate because if the other person’s WhatsApp isn’t connected to the Internet, you will continue to see the calling status on your phone.
So if your messages and calls don’t go through, it’s one of the indications but not conclusive evidence that the person has blocked you.
Step 1: Open WhatsApp on your phone and create a random group with a name.
Step 2: Go to the WhatsApp group and tap on the group name at the top.
Step 3: Scroll down and select Add Participants.

Step 4: Select the contact from the list and hit Add at the top.

WhatsApp will try to add a contact to the group, and it will fail to do so, and you will see ‘Can’t add participant’ error. You can try again, but it’s not worth the effort. The error indicates your blocked status in WhatsApp.
Check Your Relationship Status on WhatsApp
While, anyone can reach you on WhatsApp via your mobile number, select privacy features can safeguard your account. However, investigating where a potential interest or a friend has suddenly blocked you, go through the indicators mentioned above. If some of them don’t check out, then it’s possible that the other person has deleted WhatsApp account completely.