Excel is one of the most popular office applications which people use for creating tables and reports on their daily work. Sometimes, there are too many spreadsheets and Excel files need to be organized and merged. Excel Merger is a tiny Excel software tool that allows users to combine Excel XLS/XLSX and ODS/CSV/XML Files, Workbooks, and Spreadsheets to a single worksheet file without installing MS Office or MS Excel.
Unlike other Excel combining tools only merging Excel files into one single file, this useful application could also merge all worksheets in a file to one workbook, or merge all worksheets in multiple Excel documents into one worksheet in one single file. This would be much useful when a user has to combine all docs, files, worksheets, tables and forms together. If users want to join some worksheets in one file only, the sheets range option enables them to merge only selected worksheets instead of the entire worksheet file.
In addition to merging files and worksheets, Excel Merger also enables users to merge rows and columns in dozens of Excel table documents or workbooks in bulk.
Excel Merge: The Best Free Tool for Merging Excel Files
There are so many excel combine applications, but this Excel Merger packs just enough features to edge them all. Below are all the good features that it brings to the table:
• Free: Excel Merger is totally free to download and use. It’s a Windows-based tool that runs on all versions of Windows from XP all through Windows 10. With a size of 3 MB, the installer is small and lightweight enough for new and older computers.
• Effective Excel Merge tool: This software allows you to combine multiple Excel files into a single file in just 3 steps. Please read the step-by-step guide below to find out how to do that.
• Create one Worksheet: In addition to creating one Excel file, this program can pick multiple worksheets from multiple Excel documents and merge them into one spreadsheet in a single Excel file.
• Merge workbooks and spreadsheets: If you have multiple workbooks in one file, you can use Excel Merger to combine them all in a single spreadsheet for easy analysis. Similarly, the tool can merge workbooks from different files into one worksheet in one file.
• Sheet range: This function enables users to select a few worksheets from an Excel file and combine only them instead of merging the whole document. This is a handy feature for when you only need data from a select number of workbooks rather than the whole document. You can specify the range of worksheets by yourself.
• Merge rows and columns: You can choose particular rows and columns from many different files or worksheets and merge them in one spreadsheet. For example, you can pick row 4 from one Excel file, row 14 from another Excel file and row 27 from the final file and then combine them into a single row in one spreadsheet. In essence, Excel Merger consolidates data from any number of rows or columns into one single row/column for easy analysis.
• Import data from other Worksheet formats: Excel Merger is the best worksheet tool because it can import data from ODS (Open Document Sheets) CSV (Comma-Separated Values) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) files.
• Ultra-fast: Combine files, spreadsheets and worksheets in just 3 steps. Excel Merger processes the data lightning-quickly to make the job done.
• No require Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Office: You don’t need to install Office or MS Excel to use Excel Merger.
• Multi-lingual: Supports English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish
How to Merge Excel Files, Spreadsheets and Workbooks with Excel Merger: A Step by Step Guide
First, download Excel Merger for Windows here.

Once installed you can perform any of the following Excel merging functions:
- Merge Multiple Excel Files into One Excel File
How do I consolidate multiple Excel files? Below is a complete guide. Note that Excel Merger supports both XLS and XLSX type of files.
Step 1: Add files to Excel Merger
There are two ways of doing that. First you can drag and drop your files to the program’s interface. Secondly, you can use the “Add” button.

Click on it and then browse your PC to where the files are located. Select all the ones that you want to merger and click “Open” to add them.
Step 2: Set options
Since you are merging files, select “Files” in the Merge dropdown menu.

Head over to the “Output” dropdown menu and choose your preferred output format. It’s XLSX by default but your options are XLS, XLSX, CSV, XML and ODS. Finally, set your output path under the “Save to” option.
Step 3: Merge
Click on “Start Merging Now” to consolidate your Excel files into one.

Excel Merger will automatically open the output folder once the merger is complete.
- Merge Excel Spreadsheets and workbooks into one
How do you merge two excel spreadsheets together? And how do you merge two Excel workbooks together? Excel Merger can help. Better yet, it can merge more than two spreadsheets or workbooks. Here’s how:
Step 1: Add files to Excel Merger
You can either drag and drop Excel files or use the “Add” button.

Step 2: set options
Since you are merging sheets, select “Sheets” in the Merge dropdown menu.

Go to the “Output” dropdown menu and choose your preferred output format between XLS, XLSX, CSV, XML and ODS. Specify the worksheet range if you only want to merge a few worksheets instead of the entire file. Finally, set your output path under the “Save to” option.
Step 3: Merge
Click on the “Start Merging Now” button.

Excel Merger will combine all the workbooks in all the files that you added and produce one consolidated worksheet.
- Merge Multiple Excel Files into One Excel Workbook
How do I consolidate multiple Excel files into one workbook? Below is a step-by-step guide. It will help you merge several Excel files into a single Excel workbook in one Excel file.
Step 1: Add files to Excel Merger
Drag and drop Excel files onto Excel Merger or use the “Add” button.

Step 2: set options
In the Merge dropdown menu, select “Files & Sheets”.

In the “Output” dropdown menu, choose your preferred output format. It could be XLS, XLSX, CSV, XML or ODS. Now, set your output path under the “Save to” option.
Step 3: Merge
Click on “Start Merging Now” to combine all the selected Excel files and workbooks into one workbook.in one file

- Merge Excel Rows and Columns in a Worksheet
How do I combine columns in Excel? And how can I merge rows in a spreadsheet?
Step 1: Add files to Excel Merger
Drag and drop Excel files to the Excel Merger interface or use the “Add” button.
Step 2: set options
Click on the “Merge” dropdown menu and choose either “Rows” or “Columns”.

Needless to say, choose the latter if you’re merging multiple columns and the former if you’re merging multiple rows.
In the “Output” dropdown menu, select your preferred output format (XLS, XLSX, CSV, XML or ODS). Finally, set your output path under the “Save to” option.
Step 3: specify range
Head to the boxes labeled “Start” and “End” and then enter in the first row/column and the last row/column (respectively) that you want to merge.

Remember to specify the delimiter. This is basically a separator for rows/columns. It’s blank by default but you can choose a sign/symbol of your liking.

Step 4: choose what to do with empty rows/columns
By default, Excel Merger will merge rows/columns in the first row/column of the new worksheet and leave the original rows/columns empty. But you can tell it what to do with those empty rows/columns.
Check the “Keep Empty Rows/Columns” option if you want to retain them or uncheck it if you want to remove them.

Step 5: Merge
Click on “Start Merging Now” to merge your rows/columns.

Merging Other Workbook File Formats
You can use the same procedures to merge files that are saved in other workbook formats besides Excel (XLS and XLSX). Specifically, Excel Merger allows you to merge CSV, XML and ODS files.
In the first step – when adding files – simply choose all the files that you want to merge, whether they are XLS, XLSX, CSV, XML or ODS files. Then follow the above procedures for merging files, worksheets, workbooks, rows and columns.