5 Reasons Why You’re Not Gaining Followers On Instagram

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Gaining Followers On Instagram

If you notice that your number of subscribers is constantly changing, if you notice that you have 10 more subscribers at once, and three hours later you have 6 fewer subscribers, that’s totally normal. It shows that your account is alive and it’s a process. Plus, it’s only natural that not everyone always likes your content. Some people come to our account without any strategy, and some are only there for a purpose.

They want to participate in giveaways, games and then send us back. We also have an audience that at some point realizes that our content is simply no longer interested in them and clicks Unfollow. So, let’s see what are the most common reasons that lead to stagnation or declining number of followers?

You post infrequently or too often

Source: searchenginejournal.com

If you’ve noticed that you are losing followers, maybe one of the reasons is the Instagram content posting schedule. In addition to the quality of the content, it is very important to keep up the pace. If you post randomly, you are not giving the audience a chance to get used to your work, and that is very important. Presence and consistency are essential. But we must not exaggerate. By posting very often, “jumping” on the follower wall all the time can have an unwanted effect and simply stop following you!

Some statistics have shown that it is advisable to post 1 to 3 posts per day, while articles may be more frequent. The audience will introduce you to each new post more and more, and if they like your content, they will start sharing your content, reading you in more detail, commenting, becoming consumers as we strive.

Descriptions are not interesting

Source: flare.com

Great photos should and can be of interest to followers, but the descriptions below are what keeps the audience going. If you find that you are losing your Instagram followers after posting a photo, the text following it may be to blame.

You are using the wrong hashtag

Source: shape.com

If you don’t use hashtags at all, you’re making a big mistake. If you are using them and you are not sure in their favor, you are wrong. Now hashtags can also be searched on Instagram, increasing the possibility that someone will come across your account while searching for them. Hashtags are suitable for any Instagram strategy. Don’t avoid them. If you don’t use them, you probably won’t lose your companions because of it, but they certainly won’t bring you new ones.

First impression

Source: androidcentral.com

People are visual beings, and Instagram is a visual network. So this is very important. Your CV should be interesting, different from others so that when someone sees your account, they want to follow you and see more. You certainly won’t benefit from low-quality photos. Also, if you are posting multiple photos, keep in mind that they should form a whole and be connected to each other in some way.

Instagram profile optimization

Source: scoopbyte.com

The profile should be edited so that you can clearly read on the first page who or what it is, what it does, where it operates… It is necessary to provide contact information on how to get the product or the desired service, and of course a link to the official website.

However, above all, the first and most important thing in gathering followers is profile advertising. Care should be taken to exclude the “private account” in the options because, educated by experience, users are rejected if they do not immediately have the opportunity to view the content and get a brief picture of it. what does each profile do.

What’s the easiest way to increase the number of subscribers?

Source: superteen.rs

In theory, there are 5 ways to get someone to point out that you exist on Instagram. I’ll rank them from least important to most important:

  1. Buy Subscribers
  2. Love photos
  3. Comment on the photos
  4. Send profile
  5. Sending direct messages

Yes, this is one of the established methods of gathering mates unless you are a world famous celebrity so you don’t need it. Buying Instagram followers is no longer a taboo subject. Anyone who uses Instagram for business has been in contact with buying followers. Whether buying Instagram followers from sellers or directly from Instagram, by referring – the goal is always the same. Watch your Instagram account like your physical business. To start a business, you need a constant investment, a lot of work, time and patience. Success never happens overnight, but it’s important to work smart and consistently. Learn more about This site.

By liking photos, you only get the attention of the person you love if there aren’t a lot of likes in the photos. This means: having few subscribers, an unlocked profile, less frequent photo posts. Your associated tastes will be noticed. The person will review your profile and decide if they will follow you. This decision is influenced by several things, and the most important is the look and style of your photos. There is a much longer story here, and about it on another occasion as well. Comments are a particularly notable option and when it comes to everything, it makes the most sense. It will be noticed, you have the opportunity to express yourself, and based on your writing style, you can attract the attention not only of the person you are commenting on but also of others who are reading the comments.

Sending the profile brings a particular curiosity. “Look, someone followed me” always remains an action accompanied to the maximum. This is why many put their hopes in the strategy, and later in the strategy. Direct messages to the person you’re not following are already too offensive. However, this part of the strategy has particularly liberalized the history of Instagram where sending a direct message is one of the regular calls to action.

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