How to cancel your LinkedIn Premium account before automatic renewal

How to cancel LinkedIn Premium subscription

LinkedIn Premium It's not bad because of the cool benefits, but most users have no use for it. If you are one of these users, you may feel the need to cancel and move on, but how is it? Well, we can say for sure that it does not take much time to get done.

The process of canceling the premium edition is simpler than you think, so it will not take you long to complete the task, and then find the time to eat ice cream. Make sure you eat cream with cookies because it is our favorite. Keep in mind that if you cancel the subscription, you will lose access to InMail, premium information about job offers, LinkedIn pages and the full list of people who have viewed my profile. Not only that, one day you may encounter an error stating the limit of commercial use of the company.

How to cancel Premium LinkedIn membership

Make sure to cancel before the service renews the subscription because you will lose a lot of money and there is probably no way to get it back. You have two ways:

  1. Cancel from your PC web browser
  2. Cancel via the mobile browser.

Let's talk more about it now.

1) Cancel from your web browser under Windows 10

Visit your LinkedIn page and go to Me icon at the top of the page. In the drop-down menu, select Premium Subscription Settings, then go to Manage Premium Account, and from there, click Cancel subscription.

After that, go to Continue to cancel and click on it.

2) Cancel via mobile browser

If you are looking to cancel from your smartphone our browser or other, go to the following link – and do the necessary

It's all about canceling your LinkedIn premium account.

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