How to Find AirTags and Other “Items That May Track Me”

Items that can follow me in Find My

Starting with iOS 15.2, users can search iPhone for AirTags and other unknown items. “Objects that can follow me”. This is a new anti-harassment feature available in the Find My app.

AirTags and tracking

Apple designed AirTags to help users locate lost items. However, these can be used maliciously to secretly follow others by planting them in hidden places.

To avoid this, Apple designed the AirTags to sound after 8 hours since being separated from their owner. Additionally, iPhone users are alerted if an AirTag is traveling with them.

Now you can also manually search for AirTags and other Find My enabled items (items that can be tracked in Find My without requiring AirTag).

How to Search for AirTags and Find My-Enabled Items

how to search for airtags and find my items

  • Open Find my on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Press the Articles tongue.
  • Go for Articles that can follow me.
  • Faucet To look for after reading the splash screen and be patient until the scan is done.
  • Made: If the item is not tracked, you get the “No item found nearby” results. This means that there are no unfamiliar items that could potentially be following you.

    Important: Items are only found if they are more than 50 meters from their owner’s device and more than 15 minutes have passed since.

Help with the return of lost items

help return lost items in find my

The option “Identify found item” has been renamed “Help with returning lost items”.

Tap on it and it will scan the found item. You may receive a message from the owner allowing you to return the item.

AirTags, AirPods, and other Find My-Enabled items can be tracked.

Advice: An item that is compatible with Find My has the location services icon in double brackets displayed on it.

What do you think of this new Find My anti-harassment feature? Do you plan to use it? Use the comments section to share your comments.

Related: Notify When Left Behind is another new feature included in iOS 15, which will alert you whenever you forget items or devices in a location.

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