How to Pin Live Scores to Your Android Screen

pin live score android screen

Smartphones are small gateways to a world of information, but also much more than that. These days, you can even watch live games on your phone, wherever you are. Sometimes, even if you really can not do it because you're busy, do not have enough data, or for any other reason. Usually, you install a live score application or search on Google. But Google also allows you to pin live game scores like football and cricket on the screen of your Android device. And now he can do it automatically for you too.

If you have cricket scores on Google, live scores for football games, the NBA, tennis, anything you like, you probably already know the pinning feature. Like floating chat bubbles or Facebook Messenger discussion heads, Google pins a small pill on your screen. This pill contains live scores in a small compact space that you can monitor, no matter what application you use. In addition to live scores of your favorite sports, you can also pin your favorite websites on the home screen of your Android for easy access.

Pin Live Scores on your Android Screen

To start, first, make sure there is a live match for which you can view the scores.

  1. If that's the case, search Google for the live scores of the match.
  2. Just below the scores, you will see the possibility of Pin live score. Pin cricket score live on Android "src ="
  3. Tap on it and you'll notice a floating pill appears above it.
  4. You can then press at home or at the back and the live score pill pinned there stays. live score pinned to the screen "src ="

Like other floating bubbles or widgets, you can move the live score pill to the position that suits you best. By dragging it all the way down the screen, you will delete it. By tapping on it, the pill is transformed into a card containing a little more information about the match. The extended map also gives you the opportunity to Automatically pin future matches. It's good for someone who misses them often.

Live Score Notification Card "src ="

As long as it is pinned to your Android home screen, you will also see a notification about it in the notification drawer. The notification does not contain any information on live results. This is simply an indicator that the live score has been pinned to your screen. This seems a little useless, but that's what it is.

The football season has just begun and the cricket season is never over. There are tons of live matches waiting for you so be sure to keep up to date with all the live football results that interest you.

Read more: 5 best home screen widgets for android

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