How to use Data Visualizer Add-In for Excel

Data Visualizer Add-In for Excel

Microsoft Excel is excellent for the numbers, certainly, it does this job very well. However, if you want to present your data in an attractive way, which allows you to view and analyze it easily, some features of this amazing product may be missing. This requires support – try Data Visualizer complement for Excel.

The Data Visualizer Add-in for Excel is a new arm for Excel that converts an Excel 365 spreadsheet into a Visio diagram. This add-in enables users to automatically create high-quality organizational charts, cross-functional organization charts, and flowcharts (all forms, connections, and data links) from data in Excel spreadsheets. Users will not need to purchase Visio to use the Microsoft Visio Data Viewer in its simplest form, namely Excel 365 for Windows / Mac or Online. This is an interesting tool to try if you frequently create flowcharts or diagrams.

All you need to get started is an Office 365 subscription; an additional subscription to Visio is NOT required.

Data Visualizer Add-in for Excel

Data Visualizer leverages the best of Excel and Visio. you enter data into an Excel workbook, and Visio automatically creates a flowchart. Anyone with an Office 365 subscription can use the Data Visualizer add-in to create Visio diagrams. use the underlying Excel data to edit the diagrams; and view, print and share diagrams.

This tool is an alternative to the chart options already available in Office, which offers limited options and can be quite annoying.

How to start

The Data Visualizer add-in for Excel is available for:

  • Excel on Windows (2016 or later)
  • Mac (2016 or later) and
  • Excel for the Web with a professional or school account

To install Data Visualizer on any of the above, follow these steps:

1) OpenExcelling & #39; and create a newWhite & #39; binder

2) Click on 'Insert & #39; then click on "Get supplements"

3) in the Office Add-in Store, search «Visio Data VisualizerAnd click on the buttonAdd& #39; button.

<img class = "ezlazyload aligncenter full-size wp-image-197226″ alt=”Data Visualizer Add-in for Excel” width=”480″ height=”268″ sizes=”(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px” src=”” srcset=” 480w,×223.jpg 400w,×84.jpg 150w”/>

4) now & #39; Connect & #39; with your account associated with your Office 365 subscription / Microsoft 365 work / school account.

Note: You do not need a Visio subscription to use the add-in. However, if you have an appropriate Visio license, choose "Log in & #39; otherwise & #39;Sign up later & #39;. In this case, some features will only be unlocked after your login.

Create diagrams / flowcharts from data in Excel

The Data Visualizer Add-in for Excel is powered by a variety of sample data tables that can be edited in Excel. Currently, Data Visualizer offers three types of chart options: Basic Flowchart, Cross-Functional Flowchart, and Flowchart. These examples are great for getting you started, they allow users to:

<img class = "ezlazyload aligncenter full-size wp-image-197227″ alt=”Data Visualizer Add-in for Excel” width=”480″ height=”251″ sizes=”(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px” src=”” srcset=” 480w,×209.jpg 400w,×78.jpg 150w”/>

  • Add process steps
  • Edit connectors
  • Create dependencies
  • Insert owners
  • And much more

This sample worksheet is just the starting point. You can add more lines, change shape types, and change them. There are many more choices.

<img class = "ezlazyload aligncenter full-size wp-image-197228″ alt=”Data Visualizer Add-in for Excel” width=”480″ height=”300″ sizes=”(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px” src=”” srcset=” 480w,×250.jpg 400w,×94.jpg 150w”/>

You can even extend this spreadsheet by adding more columns. These columns do not modify the basic Visio diagram, but allow you to assimilate the spreadsheet to the broader analysis.

Users can easily replace data samples with theirs and after the operation is completeRefresh the diagram'To see the changes synchronized with the diagram with data links precisely in the Excel sheet.

View, print and share your charts / flowcharts.

As your Visio diagrams are created online (saved by default in OneDrive or SharePoint), viewing, printing, and sharing with other Office 365 users become difficult. an unimaginable simplicity. When you want to open your diagram in Visio for the Web, select Open in the web from the ellipses (•••) in the complementary menu bar.

<img class = "ezlazyload aligncenter full-size wp-image-197229″ alt=”Data Visualizer Add-in for Excel” width=”480″ height=”283″ sizes=”(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px” src=”” srcset=” 480w,×236.jpg 400w,×88.jpg 150w”/>

NoteIf you're not logged in yet, you'll be prompted to sign in with your Microsoft 365 or Office 365 business or professional account. Select to log in so what Allow or accept any permission request.

Once the Visio file is created, select "Open file & #39;. D & #39; here:

  • To print – In Visio for the Web, select the ellipsis. (…)> Print to print your diagram.
  • Share – Select the & #39; Share & #39; button to create a link or to enter the e-mail addresses of those you want to share.

Customizing and Editing Diagrams / Charts Using the Data Visualizer Add-in

The & #39;Edit & #39; This button does not work for those who do not have a separate full Visio license. Without a Visio license, you are stuck with the original color scheme and the customizations are limited.

With the Visio Online Plan 1 or Visio Online Plan 2 license, users can do a lot with their Data Visualizer diagrams and make their presentations more interesting. They can add text or images, apply design themes, and make other changes to customize diagrams in Visio or Visio Online.

The bottom lineThe only possible chart changes are from the source worksheet unless you can access the full version of Visio.

<img class = "ezlazyload aligncenter full-size wp-image-197230″ alt=”Data Visualizer Add-in for Excel” width=”480″ height=”266″ sizes=”(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px” src=”” srcset=” 480w,×222.jpg 400w,×83.jpg 150w”/>

Help support

Users can get additional support and send comments directly to Microsoft from the add-in by clicking on the ellipsis and "Help me & #39; or & #39;Send comments ».

<img class = "ezlazyload aligncenter full-size wp-image-197231″ alt=”Data Visualizer Add-in for Excel” width=”480″ height=”285″ sizes=”(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px” src=”” srcset=” 480w,×238.jpg 400w,×89.jpg 150w”/>

The Data Visualizer add-in for Excel is worth trying!

You should try the Visio Data Visualizer add-in for Excel. Open an example worksheet and play with the flowcharts to see how things work.


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