Most Useful Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Excel keyboard shortcuts can greatly enhance your productivity and efficiency when working with spreadsheets. Here are some of the most useful Excel keyboard shortcuts:

1Ctrl + CCopy selected cells.
2Ctrl + XCut selected cells.
3Ctrl + VPaste copied or cut cells.
4Ctrl + ZUndo the last action.
5Ctrl + YRedo the last action.
6Ctrl + SSave the current workbook.
7Ctrl + NCreate a new workbook.
8Ctrl + OOpen an existing workbook.
9Ctrl + PPrint the current workbook.
10Ctrl + FFind data within the worksheet.
11Ctrl + HReplace data within the worksheet.
12Ctrl + ASelect the entire worksheet.
13Ctrl + Shift + +Insert new rows/columns.
14Ctrl + –Delete selected rows/columns.
15Ctrl + Shift + LTurn on/off filters (Excel tables).
16Ctrl + SpaceSelect the entire column.
17Shift + SpaceSelect the entire row.
18Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keysExtend selection to the last non-empty cell.
19Ctrl + HomeGo to the top-left cell of the worksheet.
20Ctrl + EndGo to the last cell with data on the worksheet.
21Ctrl + Page UpSwitch to the previous worksheet.
22Ctrl + Page DownSwitch to the next worksheet.
23Alt + EnterStart a new line within a cell.
24F2Edit the active cell.
25F4Repeat the last action.
26Ctrl + 1Open the Format Cells dialog box.
27Ctrl + Shift + $Apply currency format.
28Ctrl + Shift + %Apply percentage format.
29Ctrl + Shift + #Apply date format.
30Ctrl + Shift + @Apply time format.
31Alt + E, S, VPaste special values.
32Alt + E, S, TPaste special formulas.
33Alt + D, F, FInsert a filter (Excel tables).
34Alt + D, P, SPage Setup options.
35Alt + D, H, HHide selected rows/columns.
36Alt + D, H, UUnhide hidden rows/columns.
37Alt + H, BApply bold formatting.
38Alt + H, F, CClear formatting.
39Alt + H, N, CMerge cells.
40Alt + Arrow keysNavigate between cells.

These shortcuts will help you work more efficiently with Excel, and memorizing them will save you time and effort while working with spreadsheets.

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