Search Results for: Windows 10

How to add a Callout in a PowerPoint Slide
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How to add a Callout in a PowerPoint Slide

If you’ve created an image-rich PowerPoint presentation, it’s best to use the Outbound Call feature, as it’s a great resource for this type of presentation. The feature not only provides additional information, but also emphasizes a specific point that you want to highlight. It only takes a few simple steps to create a PowerPoint presentation…

How to Fix Mac Folder With Question Mark
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How to Fix Mac Folder With Question Mark

Few things are as frustrating as trying to boot up your Mac and end up with the dreaded Mac folder with a question mark. You’ve probably tried using keyboard shortcuts like CTRL + R, CTRL + Option + R or Shift + CTRL + Option + R, but you still get the folder icon blinking…

List of all the new features in PowerShell 7
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List of all the new features in PowerShell 7

The next major version of PowerShell is out, and it brings significant changes. The seventh version includes features such as parallel execution, import of modules for remote execution, new operators, etc. In this article, we look at all the new features on PowerShell 7.0. PowerShell Directory Changes When you install PowerShell 7, it installs in…

How to improve Amazon Prime Video Experience on Chrome and Firefox
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How to improve Amazon Prime Video Experience on Chrome and Firefox

Nowadays, several streaming apps are becoming more and more popular with users just because of the content they provide. While there are several streaming apps out there, lately, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are easily the most popular. In general, users prefer to use these applications on mobile and tablet, but you will also find…

How to activate Google Assistant on Xbox One
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How to activate Google Assistant on Xbox One

If there was persistent demand from Xbox users to Microsoft, it was the availability of more options for using digital assistants to interact with the game console. Responding positively to this, Microsoft has further extended its capabilities to digital assistant on Xbox One with Xbox Action for Google Assistant. So go ahead and activate Google…

How to extract domain names from URLs in Microsoft Excel
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How to extract domain names from URLs in Microsoft Excel

Sometimes you may need to collect domain names for some reason from a long list of web page URLs. This message will show you how extract domain names from URLs using Microsoft Excel. This can be useful if you plan to Disavow file for submission to Google. It’s pretty easy, and you can do it…

How to use Workspaces Tab Grouping feature in Opera browser
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How to use Workspaces Tab Grouping feature in Opera browser

Managing multiple open tabs in a browser can sometimes be difficult. Different browsers support different features to simplify this task. For example, Mozilla Firefox comes with the container functionality. In the same spirit, Opera added Work spaces a function. So, how to use the Opera Workspaces function to manage different tabs in the browser. We…

Fix Common Hyper-V Replication Errors
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Fix Common Hyper-V Replication Errors

Replicating an operating system or Hyper-V saves a lot of time. However, replication of Hyper-V also called “Hyper-V replica, “is different. The replication process allows you to replicate from one virtual machine to another virtual machine environment. Simply put, it creates a copy of a live virtual machine on an offline virtual machine. generally useful…

5 Best Android Spyware Detection Apps in 2020

5 Best Android Spyware Detection Apps in 2020

Having to deal with a spyware infection on your phone is an unpleasant experience that no Android user would look forward to. Your otherwise functional phone can randomly open strange browser tabs, quickly lose the battery, or even become completely unusable. And don’t even try to have your personal data stolen. If you’ve ever been…

Top 6 Ways to Fix Cannot Expand Folder Error in Outlook
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Top 6 Ways to Fix Cannot Expand Folder Error in Outlook

Microsoft Outlook users have faced a particular error over the past decade. It started with Outlook 2010 and users of future versions continue to report it, including Office 365. Users see a pop-up window saying “Unable to expand folder” in Outlook. This happens when expanding a shared folder or a folder in a second mailbox….

How to display the Current Date and Time in Excel and Google Sheets

How to display the Current Date and Time in Excel and Google Sheets

If you need display the current date and time in Excel or Google Sheets spreadsheet, you can do it quickly. There are several methods to display the current date and time in a worksheet. In addition to using keyboard shortcuts, the simplest method is to use NOW and TODAY the functions. They are compatible with…