Why We get Facebook photo tag verification on personal account
Many people don’t know about this, Why they see a Facebook photo tag verification on their personal account, Actually normal it can’t appear on your personal account, Facebook using an auto robot or program system for security, it’s also a security system law, When we change again and again our name, or we send more than 100 friends on the day, or we tag more friends everyday, and people report us or our photo for bad or violent activity, After this Facebook’s auto system think that we are using fake profile or any they need to verify which people are tagged in the last days…
Remove or Bye Pass Photo Tag Verification Method on Facebook with PC
100% Working Trick
Steps :-
1. Open Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox on PC.
2. For Proxy settings on Google Chrome or Mozilla go toTools > Advance > Network > then change proxy to Port: 3128
or just use any Japanese Proxy.
For Japanese Proxy [ Click Here ]
3. Then go to Facebook & Login your blocked account.
You will not see any Photo Tag Verification Method.
You will be asked to enter a New Mobile Number. which has been never used on Facebook.
4. Enter your Number & you will get a confirmation code.
5. Enter the code & Enjoy!