Where are Office Document Cache settings and how to clear the cache

Office document cache

the Office document cache is a feature used in the Microsoft Office Download Center. It allows you to view the status of files that you upload to a SharePoint server. When you use Office Document Cache, you can monitor your files, track download progress, and quickly identify if any files require action.

Office document cache

You can manage the Office document cache settings by customizing the settings in the Microsoft Office Download Center. When you upload a file to a web server, Microsoft first saves that file locally in the Office document cache before you start uploading. For that,

Let's go further and see how to do it.

1) Open Microsoft Download Center to check the status of all cached files

Sometimes, if a file or document is blocked halfway, it displays a pending or failed state. This can lead to problems with archiving and removing documents. You can easily check which file / document is causing a problem by opening the main window of the Download Center.

When the window opens, tap the drop-down arrow next to ‘Refresh"And select" buttonAll cached files". You will get the file information

  • Location
  • Last name
  • Cut
  • Last synchronization
  • Status

2) Change the cache settings

If you want to configure other options for cache settings, open the Microsoft Download Center "settings".

Here you can set the limit of maximum number of days to keep files in Office document cache by selecting the desired value for "Days to keep files in the Office document cache".

Files exceeding the maximum number of days will be deleted from the cache. However, there should be no changes pending download.

3) Delete the Office document cache

If you don't mind & #39;Delete Office Document Cache Files When They Are Closed ", check the box corresponding to this option. This option is useful for users who prefer to work directly with the server.

Office document cache

Finally, you can also clear the Office document cache at any time by clicking on "Delete cached files& #39; button.

Please note that clearing the Office document cache by clicking on "Delete cached filesOr activating "Delete files from the Office document cache when closed" will delete the contents of the document from the cache, but a list of open files will be kept in the cache and stored on your computer.

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