Best Documentaries on Netflix for the intellectual in you

The Windows Club

Not everyone likes fiction. That is why Netflix documentaries have their own fan base. These are non-fictional informative films or series explaining one side of the original story. Documentaries are generally of opinion, but therein lies the charm.

Best Documentaries on Netflix

Interestingly, the trend toward documentaries has changed a lot since the 1990s. When I was a child, Discovery, Animal Planet, History Channel were all news lovers. This is far from the case now. People prefer their dramatized documentaries like movies. This has led to a new trend in cinematographic documentaries which are essentially the usual non-fiction films with commentaries by documentary experts appearing after short intervals. Netflix is ​​leading with this kind of films and has made very good documentaries.

  1. Roman Empire
  2. The last tsars
  3. Hitler’s Circle of Evil
  4. Rise of Empires: Ottoman
  5. Women at war
  6. Dance with the birds
  7. Amanda Knox
  8. Captive
  9. Secrets of the castles of Great Britain
  10. Modern world genius

Here is the list of the best documentaries on Netflix:

1]Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was the first major prosperous empire in Western civilization. However, it was not built in a day either, nor were the estates, annexations, divisions and power exchanges within the empire so simple. The Roman Empire is a complex story and that’s what makes it so fun to understand. To add a cherry to the cake, the Netflix documentary on the Roman Empire dramatized the story while keeping it as real as possible.

2]The last tsars

Best Documentaries on Netflix

The history of the Czars could not have been more accurately represented than the way Netflix did it. Perhaps the books have never explained the emotions of the Czar and his family and their reasons for making bad choices as much as this film, which makes it a staple. The Tsar was not a bad person by heart, far from where the tyrant’s story says it. However, her decisions were influenced by the immature tsarina (his wife) who in turn was under the vicious influence of Rasputin.

3]Hitler’s Circle of Evil

Hitler's Circle of Evil

The Second World War, Hitler’s life, the concentration camps and this era of military industrialization were hot topics for documentaries. However, no one else has presented the story of Hitler’s rise and fall better than Netflix’s documentary, Hitler’s Circle of Evil. It is the story directly of the creators of history. As those who survived the world war tell of what happened, people will learn the plan, the execution, the mistakes made by Hitler at that time.

4]Rise of Empires: Ottoman

Rise of Empires Ottoman

The fall of Constantinople was a major event in history. The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire had resisted Islamization for centuries, until Mehmed the Conqueror invaded and won against Constantine XI, thereby changing Constantinople to Istanbul. However, this powerful task was not easy and many failed, including Mehmed’s own father. So what prompted Mehmed to undertake this task? How did he win against the greatest empire in history?

5]Women at War (film series)

Women at war

While many documentaries have been made during the World Wars, the Women at War film series is a clear exception. These documentaries explain the little recognized but very important role of women in the world wars. They were more than just nurses and central office managers. Women were the moral support leaders needed while men were too busy on the front lines. Perhaps the soldiers could have spent a day without the efforts of these ladies.

6]Dance with the birds

Dance with the birds

Nature is breathtaking. It is far beyond what we can imagine lazing on our sofa in an overcrowded city. Dancing with birds is a beautiful documentary on migratory birds, their colors, their mating cycles, their migration cycles, etc. If you are fascinated by nature, this documentary will be very pleasant for you. So if you want to dance with the birds, watch the documentary on Netflix.

7]Amanda Knox

Amanda Knox

Amanda Knox may seem like another criminal thriller, except that this investigation has been the basis for many similar investigations to come. The investigations into the Amanda Knox affair were fairly popular in the Italian media, but everyone was confused as to the real events behind the ever-changing story. One hectic day in 2007, Meredith Kercher, a British student was found murdered in her apartment in Italy. Her roommate Amanda Knox told a false story about her murder. However, the truth has been established otherwise. Discover the story by watching it on Netflix.



As we lead a comfortable life, we can never imagine what it would be like to be trapped in a hostage situation. The Netflix Captive documentary is a series on kidnappings and hijackings around the world and how the respective governments negotiated the escape of the prisoners. This documentary is an in-depth analysis of the psychology of the hostages and the responses of those responsible for their release.

9]Secrets of the castles of Great Britain

Secrets of the castles of Great Britain

The castles were made famous by fairy tales, but these Christian palaces were not only in the books. Britain is a mixture of cultures and this is reflected in the variety of architecture of its castles. Castles is a huge series on Netflix in which the historian Dan Brown takes you to the most beautiful castles in Great Britain. Do not miss it.

ten]Modern world genius

Modern world genius

Historian Bettany Hughes understood and appreciated the works of the men who shaped modern history. She then shared the biographies of these people through her documentary series Genius of the Modern World. To begin with, she covered the life and works of Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud. Don’t be disappointed with just three episodes, there are more to come.

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