Compared With Protecting The iPhone

Compared to iPhone protection

Apple claims that downloading apps to the iPhone will compromise user security and privacy, but the almighty dollar is the real problem.

Compared to iPhone protection

Apple is more concerned with protecting its territory. Apple wants you to know you care and claims that downloading apps to iPhone is a bad thing. Flashes and highlights side discharge hazard for iPhone safety.

The company is not wrong. Side discharge is risky. But Apple doesn’t really care about user safety. The App Store is more important to Apple. Allowing iPhone users to download apps can bypass the App Store business model of cutting app costs by 30%. False ring What is a side explosion?

iPhone - Apple (BG)

Sideloading is the ability to install apps on the device independent of the app store. IPhone does not allow side discharge. The only way to get the app on the iPhone is through the official Apple App Store. Jailbreak your iPhone to install third-party apps outside of the App Store. Google is different. Google prefers people to download their apps directly from the Google Play Store, but there are some easy ways to fix this problem. Users only need to configure their phones manually.

Allow installation from sources other than the Play Store, and voila, the download becomes a reality. However, Google’s advanced protection program blocks most downloadable applications. Apple desperately needs the security of the iPhone! According to Apple, the problem is the total security of the iPhone. According to Apple, sideload applications expose iPhone users to various dangers. “Due to the size of the iPhone’s user base and the sensitive data stored on their phones – photos, location data, medical and financial information – sideloading will lead to further investment in attacks on the platform. shape, ”he said on his website today. arrived at Apple.

“Attackers will seize the opportunity and invest more resources in developing complex attacks against iOS users, thereby expanding the scope of exploits and armed attacks against which all users must defend themselves. This increased risk of malware attacks puts everyone at risk from the App Store Download the app. Apple also pointed out that Android devices are 15 times more likely to be infected with malware than other devices, all from the page dump. PR activities aren’t limited to big posts on your website.

Speak directly to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, according to The New York Times “Reported, Nancy Pelosi warned against any form of regulation of the tech industry. “Services” Apple divides its quarterly net sales into two categories: products and services. This category includes physical products such as iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and other hardware.

Apple’s net sales in the last quarter were approximately US $ 72.7 billion. Service categories include Apple software, including iCloud storage, iTunes music, the App Store, and other app-related services. Net service revenue is approximately US $ 16.9 billion. Part of the $ 16.9 million comes from App Store fees that Apple charges developers. Apple offers 30% discounts on many paid and subscription apps. In other words, if you download Spotify from the App Store and subscribe to Spotify Premium through the app, Apple will get 3 times out of 10 times the cost of Spotify.

One of them is Epic Games, the creator of the famous Fortnite game. Apple sued the game and charged a fee. In fact, we can attribute the drama we are witnessing right now to the Apple Epic process. After the trial, Apple supported the defense. In August 2020, after Epic created its own in-game payment system, Apple removed Fortnite from the App Store, bypassing Apple’s revenue model. % Of respondents told Android Authority that they believe third-party downloads are necessary.

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Some reviewers have pointed out that due to the third-party download ban, they would not explicitly consider iOS. Another 29.7 sets of side bombs are a good feature, but not necessarily 21 sets. 8% of people said they didn’t care about the download anyway. Apple is not wrong: the Fortnite deal could seriously affect Apple’s bottom line. Fortnite claims that Apple has a monopoly on how it controls the App Store and how it delivers apps on the iPhone and iPad. Other companies, including Facebook and Spotify, have pledged to support Epic, according to a Reuters report last year. We don’t yet know what the percentage of that $ 16 is.

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