Spades is a partnership game. The goal is for you and your partner to bid on a contract, then skillfully play your cards in coordination with each other to complete the contract. You win when you reach 500 points or force your opponents to drop to minus 200 points.
The game uses a standard deck of 52 cards. In each suit, the cards are ranked from lowest to highest: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A. Spade suit is always trump .
This means that any spade will beat a card of any other suit. Hearts, clubs and diamonds all have equal value below spades. Thus, the 2 of spades has a higher value than even the Ace of any other suit.
Spades are played with four players. Players seated facing each other play as a team. Download Windows 7 Spades game and enjoy it on any Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 PC.
The game begins with a single betting round. The purpose of bidding is to correctly predict the number of tricks you will win. To choose your bid, simply click on a number in the bidding window that represents the number of tricks you expect to win.
The players examine their cards and announce the number of tricks they think they can win in this hand. The combined offers of two partners create a contract. Once the call for tenders has been completed, these partners must enter into or fulfill this contract.
They don’t have to make their individual offers; what is important is to complete your contract as a team. Thus, a player can make up the difference for a partner who does not bid. A contract that is not made is established. Fixed contracts are penalized at the end of the hand.
A zero bid means that the player will try not to win any tricks. A successful Nil bid earns the partnership substantial bonus points if made, and substantial penalty points if secured.
A Double Nil bid doubles these points, but a player can only bid Double Nil before examining the hand. For more information on bidding, see Strategy: Bidding. The betting round is over when each player has made a bid.

Play the game :
The purpose of Spades is to make your contract. You make a contract by winning or losing tricks. If you bid high, you want to win tricks. If you bid low, you want your opponents to lose turns. The trump is always Spades. The highest card of the trump suit always wins the trick.
If no trump is played, the trick goes to the highest card of the led suit. The led color is determined by the person who starts a round. For example, if a player starts a round by playing a 10 of hearts, then Hearts is the led suit.
The player to the right of the dealer always leads first. The game proceeds clockwise. Each player in turn must follow suit. If a player holds no cards of the led suit, that player can play any card. Leading players can play any card they want, with one exception: no player can lead with a spade until the spades have been broken.
Play continues until all 13 rounds have been played. Note to play your map, double-click it or click once on the map, then click Play. For keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard Shortcuts.
Example 1: North leads a trick with the 10 of diamonds. East follows suit with the 5 of diamonds, South follows suit with the king of diamonds and West follows suit with the 8 of diamonds. South wins the trick.
Example 2: North leads a trick with all 10 diamonds. East has no diamonds and plays the 4 of spades. South holds no diamonds and plays the ace of clubs. West follows suit. East wins the trick because it is the only trump played. If South had played another trump – the jack of spades, for example – instead of the ace of clubs, then South would have won the trick because he played a higher value spade.
• Once all 13 tricks have been played, you will see the hand scores. Team points are accumulated. Each spin is worth 10 points. For example, a contract of six is worth 60 points if fulfilled. If your team’s contract is set by winning fewer tricks than expected, your team is penalized the full value of that contract (or 60 points, in our example).
• If your contract is settled by winning more tricks than what was offered, called overtricks, your team receives the value of your contract, plus an extra point per overtrick. In our example, if you win seven tricks, you will receive 61 points. Your penalty for going over your bid is to receive one “bag” point per higher trick.
• A bag point by itself has no value. However, these bag points accumulate in a bag shown in the upper left corner of the table. If your team accumulates ten bag points, they are penalized 100 points. Once the points have been deducted, the bag is emptied. Each set of 10 bag points results in a penalty of 100 points.
• Making a Nil bid is worth 100 points, and making a Double Nil bid is worth 200 points. If you bid Nil or Double Nil and perform one or more tricks, you will be penalized 100 or 200 points respectively. And for each trick taken, on a Nil or Double Nil auction, you also accumulate a bag point.
• The first team to reach 500 points wins the game. If both teams exceed 500 points in the same hand, the team with the higher score wins. The game will also end if a team completes a round at or below -200 points.
• If there is a tie, play will continue until the tie is broken.
Keyboard shortcuts:
- ALT+E: chat input window
- ALT+W: chat history window
- ALT+N: Chat enabled
- ALT+F: Chat disabled
- ALT+J: Your hand
- Game menu ALT+G
- ALT+H: help menu
- INS: return focus to keyboard after using mouse
Game menu:
- ALT+G+O: Find new players
- ALT+G+R: Show score
- ALT+G+L: Skill Level
- ALT+G+C: enable chat on startup
- ALT+G+X: Exit
Download details:
File name: Internet spike
Download size: 171 MB
File type: .EXE
SE: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11
Licence: Free download
Editor: Microsoft
Language: English
Category: Windows PC Games
Download Spades game for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10