Fix Mailbox does not exist error in Microsoft Teams
If you use Microsoft Teams, so maybe you've come across a particular mistake lately. This is nothing extraordinary, but nevertheless annoying. The problem we're talking about here is when the Microsoft Teams mailbox is empty. You can see an error message – The mailbox does not exist.
An empty mailbox, or nonexistent, would be a surprise to all those who contained the contents before this problem. The big question now is what caused this and whether or not there is a way to fix it once and for all. Now we can not say for sure what caused the void of the mailbox, but we can say that the problem can be solved.
From what we've collected, the mailbox error does not exist tends to occur when Microsoft Exchange is used. Yes, many users of Microsoft teams benefit greatly from Exchange, which should not surprise anyone at this point.
OK, let's see how we can solve this mistake and hope that she will never show her ugly head again.
Microsoft Teams – Mailbox does not exist
It is very easy to solve this problem, at least from our point of view. Do not be discouraged, we will make it easy to understand.
- Check the O-auth setting
- Verify that Exchange Online can connect successfully
1) Check the O-auth setting
The first thing to do is run the Test-OAuthConnectivity tool to check if everything is working as expected. The idea here is to make sure your organization can successfully connect to Exchange Online because it's a very important aspect.
To do this, launch Windows PowerShell by right-clicking the Start menu button and selecting Windows PowerShell from the menu. We suggest you choose the admin version for a better chance that it works.
After you launch the tool, copy and paste the following items into PowerShell, and then press the Enter key on your keyboard:
Test-OAuthConnectivity -Service EWS -TargetUri -Mailbox-Verbose | Format-List
2) Verify that Exchange Online can connect successfully
The next step is to check if the connection is working and, yes, the task is easy to accomplish. You see, just follow the steps above to start Windows PowerShell, then copy and paste the following and, as usual, hit the Enter key:
Test-OAuthConnectivity -Service EWS -TargetUri/metadata/json/1 -Mailbox -Verbose | Format-List
That should do the job, 100 percent. So go ahead and check the mailbox to see if it returns to its normal setting.
Good luck.