Fix Windows 10 Mail app error 0x8000000b

Fix Windows 10 Mail app error 0x8000000b

Some incompatibility has appeared between Google's security policy and the Windows 10 Mail application, which has resulted in numerous error reports. 0x8000000b being created when trying to add a Gmail account to the Windows 10 Mail application.

Something went wrong, we are sorry, but we could not do it. Error code 0x8000000b

Note: You may receive other error codes such as 0x8007042b, 0x80040154, 0x8000ffff, 0x8007000d, 0x80c8043e, 0x80070435, 0x8007006d, 0x80070425 associated with this same error message. Regardless of the error code you receive, the underlying problem persists: you can not add your Gmail account. Generally, the error prevents you from using your Gmail account on the Mail application.

Windows 10 Mail 0x8000000b Application Error

Start the Mail application and click on Accounts on the left pane. In the window on the right, under Manage accounts, click Add an account.

Now, in Add an account, click Advanced configuration.

In the same Add an account window, click Internet email.

In the next screen of the same window, enter the details of your Gmail account.

  • in the Incoming mail server field, type:
  • in the Type of account field, type: IMAP4
  • in the Outgoing mail server field, type:

Make sure these options are checked:

  • The outgoing server requires authentication
  • Use the same username and password for sending e-mail
  • Requires SSL for incoming emails.

Click on to log in When you are done and wait a few minutes, your Gmail account will be successfully added to the Windows 10 Mail application without the 0x8000000b error.

That's all. I hope it helps.

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