How to change Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows 10

Change Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows 10

Many times you have to change the ownership of a file or folder to another user. There may be several reasons for this: transfer files to another user, delete an old account, and assign all files to a new user. By default, Windows keeps these files under the account that created a file or folder. No one else can edit or access the content unless it is an administrator or the file belongs to him. We have seen how to take ownership of files and folders. Now let's see how you can change the ownership of files.

Change the property of a file or folder in Windows 10

1) Open the File Explorer and navigate to the file or folder whose property you want to change. Right-click on it, and then click Properties.

2) Switch to Security tab in the properties window and click on the button Advanced button lower right. He will open the Advanced security settings of this file or folder.

3) In this window, the current owner will be listed with the Change link available (next to the "Owner:" label) Click on it. He will open the Select a user or group the window. Click the available Advanced button again, and then click the Find Now button.

4) It will list all users and groups available on the computer. Select the user to whom you want to assign the property, and then click OK, and then click OK again.

5) You will find the advanced security settings, but the owner will change to the one you selected. There are two additional options that you must check. They will help you transfer ownership of the subfolders and files they contain.

  • Replace the owner on subcontainers and objects
  • Replace all child permission entries with permission entries that can be inherited from the object.

Change the property of a file or folder in Windows 10

Once you have confirmed the changes, the property will be completely transferred. However, you have one last thing to do. To remove the access of any other user, return to the advanced security settings and delete any existing user. This will ensure that only the assigned user has access to the file or folder.

Do not forget to first create a system restore point.

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