How to change the role of a participant in Microsoft Teams Meeting

How to change the role of a participant in Microsoft Teams Meeting

You can use Microsoft teams To organize meetings with your colleagues, add several participants and assign roles to each participant. This way you can determine who can do what during the meeting. But what if you want to change someone’s role before a meeting or during a meeting? Well, Microsoft Teams also allows this customization. You can change the role of someone in the Microsoft team meeting.

Change the role of a Microsoft Teams meeting participant

If you want to change the role and permissions of users in Microsoft Teams, you can do so-

  1. Before a meeting
  2. While a meeting is in progress

Let’s see how.

1]Before a meeting

You will need to send the meeting invitation before you can assign roles to meeting participants.

[Image source – Microsoft]

When you’re done, go to Calendar, click on the meeting you just created and select “Meeting options“.

When you do, you will land on a web page, where you will see some choices under “Who can present?” as following,

  • Everyone – Anyone with access to the meeting link can join the meeting as a presenter.
  • The people in my organization – Only people working in your organization will be allowed as presenters while participants will join as participants.
  • Specific people – Only the persons selected from among the guests will be presenters. The others will join as participants.
  • Just me – Only the organizer will be a presenter. All other participants will join as participants.

So basically you have two roles to choose from: Presenter and participant. Presenters can do just about anything that needs to be done at a meeting, while the role of a participant is more controlled.

2]During the meeting

Go to ‘Calendar of meetings“Button, click on the meeting and select”Meeting options“. Use the drop down menu to “Who can present?” to select a new presenter. (If the meeting is recurring, any changes to the meeting options will apply to all occurrences of the meeting).

Then click on “Show participants»In the meeting commands to display the list of people present in the meeting.

Then, move your mouse cursor over the name of the person whose role you want to modify and click on “More options’(Visible as 3 horizontal dots).

Then, from the list of options displayed, select either

  • Make a presenter
  • Make a participant.

This way you can choose to change someone’s role in Microsoft Teams Meeting.

Read more: How to change the member role and delete a member in Microsoft Teams.

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