Petanque is one of those fun and light games played all over the world. It found its way to America via Italian immigrants who shared the game with people they met, and the rest is history. Although bocce ball has roots in ancient Egypt, it was not played with an official bocce ball set.
They say ancient Egyptian caves have paintings depicting their culture playing pétanque, and they may have been onto something. The ancient game of pétanque has stood the test of time and is now played competitively around the world.
Petanque equipment
Before you can fully understand the rules of bocce, you need to understand the equipment. A bocce ball game isn’t fun until you know how to use it. The good news is that the bocce ball requires limited equipment, making it easy to transport to the beach or a friend’s barbecue. A complete set of bocce balls includes only two different types of balls, described below.
- Pétanque balls – Pétanque balls are the eight largest balls in a set of pétanque balls. They come in different sizes to accommodate multiple ages and skill levels, but the regulation size bocce balls are 4.2 inches in diameter. Petanque balls also come in two different sets of four colors, usually red or green, but other colors are often available.
- Pallino ball – The pallino ball is sometimes called the “jack”. It is a smaller ball that serves as a target during a game of pétanque.
Pétanque court and players

Petanque is usually played on a flat, smooth surface such as grass or sand. A regulation pétanque ball to research measures 13 feet wide and 91 feet long, but you can adapt your bocce court to your playing space. Having a raised barrier is helpful, but not essential. You will also need 2 foul lines, one on each side, about 10 feet from the end of your pitch. Foul lines mark where players can’t step while throwing, and you’ll also need to mark a center line.
Petanque games can be played from 2 to 8 players. The size of the teams determines the number of balls on each side. One-player teams throw all 4 balls, while larger teams just split the balls evenly.
Petanque ball rules

The first player throws the pallino to place the target behind the center line. The same player then rolls a bocce ball as close to the pallino as possible. Then a player from the opposing team throws a bocce ball trying to get closer to the pallino than the first player. If they succeed, the ball is considered to be inside. Otherwise, team members alternate in turn until all the bocce balls have been rolled.
You are allowed to hit your opponents bocce balls with your own to get closer to the pallino. You can also move the target by hitting the pallino with your bocce ball. When all the bocce balls have been thrown, the frame is complete.

Points are distributed at the end of a frame. The balls considered inside and closest to the pallino receive points. Teams receive one point for each ball closest to the pallino. Some rules allow petanque balls to touch the pallino, called a kiss. A kiss is worth 2 points. Frames are played until a team reaches the predetermined number of points, which is normally between 12 and 15.
Get your bocce ball set today
Now that you understand the equipment and how to play the game, you can enjoy your very own set of bocce balls. Some players get very serious, using only regulation equipment and measuring tapes. Petanque is fun for all ages and all occasions. If you have your own pétanque set, it’s ideal for family outings. Backyard dating and more. Get your very own bocce ball set today and let the fun begin.