Nail Growth: A Deeper Dive Into the Science – 2023 Guide

Nail Growth: A Deeper Dive Into the Science – 2023 Guide

Nail growth is a complex process that involves the interaction of various biological and environmental factors, which also affects each person’s manicure. Nails are made of a tough protein called keratin, which also makes up hair and the outer layer of skin.

Although each person’s nail growth is unique, on average fingernails grow about 3.5 millimeters per month, while toenails grow about 1.6 millimeters per month. In this article, we will explore the science behind nail growth and the different factors that can affect it.

nail anatomy


Before diving into the science of nail growth, it is essential to understand nail anatomy. Nails are made up of several layers, including the nail plate, nail bed, nail matrix, and cuticle. The nail plate is the visible part of the nail that we usually see, while the nail bed is the skin under the nail plate.

The nail matrix is ​​the tissue at the base of the nail plate, and it is responsible for the production of new nail cells. Finally, the cuticle is a thin layer of skin that covers the base of the nail plate, protecting it from infections.

The science behind nail growth

It is an ongoing process resulting in the production of new nail cells in the nail matrix. THE nail matrix is a small, well-protected structure located at the base of the nail. The matrix is ​​responsible for producing the cells that make up the nail plate, which is the hard, visible part of the nail.

As new nail cells proliferate in the matrix, older cells are pushed forward, causing the nail to grow. The formation of keratin fibers makes the nail plate harder and stiffer as it progresses. These fibers are densely packed which gives strength and durability to the nail.

Factors that affect nail growth


Several factors can affect nail growth, including genetics, age, nutrition, and general health. Let’s look at each of these factors in more detail.

  • Genetic: Genetics play an important role in nail growth. Some people naturally have nails that grow faster than others, while others may have nails that are prone to breaking or splitting. Genetics can also influence nail thickness and texture.
  • Age: As we age, our nails grow more slowly. In general, nails grow faster in children and adolescents than in adults. Older adults may also experience changes in nail texture, thickness, and shape.
  • Nutrition: The health of our nails is closely linked to our overall diet. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins is essential for healthy nail growth. Some nutrients that are particularly important for nail health include biotin, vitamin D, iron, and zinc.
  • Health: Our general health can also affect nail growth. Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disease, anemia, and diabetes, can impact nail growth and health. Additionally, medications like chemotherapy can cause nail problems such as slow growth, brittleness, and discoloration.
  • Environmental factors: Environmental factors such as exposure to water, chemicals and trauma can also affect nail growth. For example, repeated exposure to water can make nails soft and weak, while exposure to harsh chemicals can make nails brittle and susceptible to breaking.
  • Traumasuch as hitting the nail or constantly typing on a keyboard, can also damage the nail and cause it to grow more slowly.

The Myth of Nail Growth After Death


A common myth about fingernails is that they continue to grow after death. Although this idea may seem plausible, it is not actually true. After death, the body’s metabolic processes stop, which means that the nail matrix no longer produces new cells.

As a result, nails do not continue to grow after death. However, the skin and tissue around the nails can shrink, which can create the illusion that the nails have grown.

How to Promote Healthy Nail Growth

If you want to promote healthy nail growth, there are several things you can do. First, make sure you eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of vitamins, minerals, and protein. You can also take supplements like biotin or collagen to support nail health.

Also, be sure to take care of your nails by keeping them clean and dry, avoiding harsh chemicals, and wearing gloves when performing activities that could damage the nails.

In terms of nail care, it is also essential to keep nails trimmed and filed to prevent breakage and splitting. When file the nails, be sure to file in one direction rather than back and forth, which can weaken and split nails. Finally, avoid biting or scratching your nails, as this can damage them and slow their growth.


In conclusion, nail growth is a complex process that involves a combination of biological and environmental factors. While the average nail growth rate is about 3.5 millimeters per month for fingernails and 1.6 millimeters per month for fingernails, individual factors such as genetics, age, nutrition, health and environmental factors can all affect nail growth.

By understanding the science behind nail growth and taking care of your nails, you can promote healthy nail growth and keep your nails beautiful and beautiful. Founder Khoan Quang Vinh said, “Please feel free to visit our website so that you can enjoy quality services at your nearest nail salon”.

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