No Incognito Mode in Chrome in Windows 10
Chrome, like all other browsers, offers private browsing or Incognito mode. You can use this mode to make sure you are not being tracked by the websites you visit and to keep the targeted ads away. However, if you sign in to any website, they can always follow you. That said, if the Incognito mode is missing in Chrome, here's how to enable incognito mode in Chrome on Windows 10.
Chrome Incognito mode is missing
Chrome's incognito mode is usually available by default. You have nothing to do. However, if you see it missing, here's how to reactivate it on Chrome. The screenshot below clearly shows that the mode is missing. The main reason why the mode is gone is because of a corruption in a registry key. The key has disabled this function. It is easy to solve this problem, but you must be an administrator to complete the steps.
If the Incognito mode is missing in Chrome, you must modify the registry as follows to enable it:
- Open the registry editor by typing regedit in the prompt Run followed by the Enter key
- Navigate to – Computer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies
- Locate Chrome Policies and then find a DWORD IncognitoModeAvailability
- Double-click to open and edit it.
- Since you can not see Incognito mode on Chrome, the value you can see is 1
- Change it to 0 (zero) to activate the Incognito mode
- Click OK and exit the registry.
Restart the Chrome browser and Incognito mode will be available as you see in the screen capture above.
Here's how to enable or disable incognito mode in the Chrome browser.
How to force Chrome to open in Incognito mode
You can also force Chrome to always open in incognito mode by setting the value of DWORD IncognitoModeAvailability to 2. It is useful to always navigate in this mode and never use the default mode. However, you will never be able to return to normal mode from Incognito mode because it will be forced settings.
Here is what the DWORD IncognitoModeAvailability values mean:
- 0 = Private browsing mode enabled (default)
- 1 = Incognito mode disabled
- 2 = Force Chrome to always open in incognito mode.
We hope that the steps have been easy to follow and that you have been able to activate the Incognito mode in Chrome under Windows 10.
Read more: How to always open Chrome in Guest mode in Windows 10.