Six Things More Computer Owners Should Work on Improving

Computer users who are not as tech-savvy have a lot to learn if they want to master their device. Of course, for some, casual use of a computer is fine because they are not looking to get the most out of their laptop or PC.

On the other hand, some people are eager to become better at using a computer because they would like to change their careers or discover different mediums of entertainment that a computer can offer.

As expected, there are a lot of things you can do and learn with the device. It takes time, but you can take a proactive approach and focus on learning one or two things every day and work on improving them.

Let’s take a look at some of the things more computer owners should look to master, especially if they are relatively new to using the device.

Discover Different Operating Systems

Different operating systems have different features. Right now, there is no denying that MS Windows is the most popular OS in the world. However, it does not mean that you have to limit yourself to it.

You will not know what each operating system has to offer unless you try it for yourself. And who knows, you might discover one that suits your interests more and makes you more comfortable using a computer due to the UI on an OS.

It is also worth noting that different operating systems have various versions. For example, Windows 7, 8, 10, and the upcoming 11. 

macOS also has a relatively wide range of different versions. In some instances, you may be interested in learning how to downgrade from one version to another, and information for that can be found on

The bottom line is that the more familiar you are with an operating system, the more efficient you will become at using a computer.

Learn the Importance of Securing the Device

 Security Settings and Tips
Security Settings And Tips

Poor computer security can lead to performance issues, data loss, and other problems. You want to ensure that your device is secure. Learning about the intricacies of malware and viruses might take a while, particularly when there are new threats appearing regularly.

Instead, you want to work on taking the necessary precautions. Start with getting reliable antivirus software and have it run in the background when the computer is turned on. 

If you ever connect to public Wi-Fi, do so using a virtual private network to avoid potential hacker attacks. VPNs encrypt your data and change IP address and location, which makes it difficult for potential attackers to access your device.

Finally, learn to spot fishy emails. If a message you receive looks suspicious, you are better off ignoring it because clicking on a random URL or downloading an email attachment could infect the computer.

Work on Memorizing Keyboard Shortcuts

The more keyboard shortcuts you know, the more efficient you can be at using a computer. And the shortcuts are not that difficult to learn if you are willing to put in effort. At first, it might feel a bit weird and clunky to press multiple keys at once or in sequence to carry out a command to a computer.

However, once you get the hang of it, you will cut the time that would go into using a mouse. Also, keep in mind that you should first focus on memorizing keyboard shortcuts you find the most relevant.

Check the list of keyboard shortcuts for the operating system you are using and pick a few you want to learn first. After your finger memory remembers the shortcuts, select a new batch and work on learning them.

Set Up a Backup System

You want to keep an eye on system backups and other important files so that there is an updated safety net you can use in case something happens to data on your computer.

Backup software lets you set up regular backups, though it can still miss some files. For example, new data you add to a computer will also need to be added to the backup software manually.

If you do not wish to use backup software and would rather take care of backups yourself, you can transfer files to cloud storage or an external hard drive instead.

Keep the Computer Clutter-Free

Another thing to note is that you should maintain the computer in good condition, and regularly removing clutter in the drive is one of the key things. 

A computer’s drive should have enough free space (at least 15 or 20 percent of total storage) for optimal use. Figure out which files you can remove and which you can transfer to external storage.

Be on the Lookout for New Software

Since we rely so much on computers, it is natural to see various software developers come up with different solutions. If you have a problem with a computer or a task you need to finish, there should be software that lets you do that. 

Sometimes, you need to pay money, and sometimes the software will be available for free. Regardless, you should check available software for computers when you need to.

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