The Complete Canon EOS 750D Remote Shooting Setup Guide

The Complete Canon EOS 750D Remote Shooting Setup Guide
Photographers take more than 123 billion photographs each year, thanks to digital cameras. Whether it is festivals or wild animals, capturing them requires a lot of effort. For a DSLR camera owner, as I own a Canon EOS 750D, a remote shooting setup should work wonders for anyone with the same model or one with remote shooting capabilities .

1 Canon Eos 750 D Remote Shooting Setup Guide Remote Shooting Home "width =" 768 "height =" 500 "data-size =" auto "size =" (min-width: 976px) 700px , (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" -hooting-home_4d470f76dc99e7ad1998, , 7 / imager / media / assets / 240807/1-Canon-EOS-750D-Remote-S Tir-Setup-Guide-remote-shooting-home_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289.jpg? 1570316290 340w

Of course, you would want to capture those precious moments without anyone, especially your subject, being aware. So if you place a camera in the middle of an interesting and rare moment, it becomes intimidating and loses gas. That's why we must make the most of the remote shooting functionality of modern digital SLRs.

In simple terms, photography continues to grow rapidly. In addition, many techniques to capture the best moments are being invented. In this article, we will talk about one of the last: remote shooting.

So, what is the remote shooting

Remote Access Camera "width =" 657 "height =" 525 "data-size =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset = "https: / update. png? 1570564228 500w, 340w

Remote shooting is a way to take control of your digital camera with a mobile device or computer to take pictures. In other words, it captures photos without holding the camera literally.

Your mobile device connects to your camera and controls shutters, settings, and just about everything else. We will focus on the Canon EOS 750D camera for this article.

Note: This guide is limited to the Canon EOS 750D camera model. However, the process of setting up the option of shooting remotely with other devices should follow the same process with a phone.

Configuration of the application for beginners

You must first install the Canon Camera Connect app on your smartphone. Visit the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to download the "Canon Camera Connect" app. Now open the application.

2 Canon Eos 750 D Remote Imaging Installation Guide Canon App 3 "Width =" 538 "Height =" 927 "Data-Sizes =" Auto "Sizes =" (Minimum Width: 976px) 700px, (minimum width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" sdc /media/assets/241759/2-Canon_EOS_750D_Remote_Shooting_Setup_Guide-canon-app-3_191012_194830_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg?1570899012 500W, assets / 241759/2-Canon_EOS_750D_Remote_Shooting_Setup_Guide-barrel-app 3_191012_194830_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289. jpg? 1570899012 340w

The application will ask permission to access your internal storage and your location. It must have access to your storage and media to store photos from your camera. Access to the location allows the camera to geotag your photos accurately.

Then you should see a set of animated screens to help you become familiar with the software. You can ignore them to open the application.

3 Canon Eos 750 D Remote Imaging Installation Guide Canon App 1 "Width =" 535 "Height =" 934 "Data-Sizes =" Auto "Sizes =" (Minimum Width: 976px) 700px, (minimum width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: // cd /media/assets/241760/3-Canon_EOS_750D_Remote_Shooting_Setup_Guide-canon-app-1_191012_195132_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg?1570899012 500W, imaging / media / assets / 241760/3-Canon_EOS_750D_Remote_Shooting_Setup_Guide-barrel-app 1_191012_195132_7c4a12eb7455b3a1ce1ef1cadcf29289. jpg? 1570899012 340w

On the home screen, you will find a quick connection guide to the center of the home screen, a location labeling button and &,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, other options. You can visit the interface to familiarize yourself with the tool.

Connection configuration

These steps will show you how to set up your camera to accept pairing requests from your phone. This configuration method is for a first connection only.

For subsequent connections and reconnections, see the Remote Shooting section of the article.

First, go to the option "Change camera settings" and then choose Wi-Fi settings. Select the option Enable. For security reasons, I suggest you enable password security by activating the Password option.

107 Connect your Canon Eos 750 D to your Android phone via Wi-Fi. Your tube "width =" 791 "height =" 431 "data-size =" auto "size =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, ( min-width 448pixe80 /media/assets/241762/107__Connect_your_Canon_EOS_750D_to_your_Android_phone_via_Wi-Fi_-_YouTube_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png?1570899277 700w, 500w , https: / /

Choose the device change nickname. Give your camera a personalized name. In my case, I used Nicholas-Canon0A.

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Press the Menu OK button when done.

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Then use the Wi-Fi function menu to generate the password to connect your phone and camera. Click on Wi-Fi function, you should see a smartphone symbol should appear.

Select the phone icon to allow your camera to listen to your phone's connections.

107 Connect your Canon Eos 750 D to your Android phone via Wi-Fi. Your tube "width =" 777 "height =" 430 "data-size =" auto "size =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, ( min-width: Buddhism Stand /media/assets/241767/107__Connect_your_Canon_EOS_750D_to_your_Android_phone_via_Wi-Fi_-_YouTube_191012_202833_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png?1570899281 700w, 500w png? 1570899282,

Now select "Camera Access Point Mode" and press OK.

107 Connect your Canon Eos 750 D to your Android phone via Wi-Fi. Your tube "width =" 767 "height =" 408 "data-size =" auto "size =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, ( min-width Sdb.jpg /media/assets/241768/107__Connect_your_Canon_EOS_750D_to_your_Android_phone_via_Wi-Fi_-_YouTube_191012_203607_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png?1570899283 700w, 500w ? 1570899283,

You want to make sure that you select Easy Connection. Press OK.

107 Connect your Canon Eos 750 D to your Android phone via Wi-Fi. Your tube "width =" 760 "height =" 423 "data-size =" auto "values ​​=" (min-width: 976px) 700px (min-width: DIY base /media/assets/241770/107__Connect_your_Canon_EOS_750D_to_your_Android_phone_via_Wi-Fi_-_YouTube_191012_205354_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png?1570899284 700w, 500w _YouTube_191012_205354_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.png? 1570899284, https: / /

Your camera displays your SSID and encryption key. Your SSID is the name of your camera's WiFi network and the encryption key is its password.

107 Connect your Canon Eos 750 D to your Android phone over Wi-Fi. Your tube "width =" 718 "height =" 448 "data-size =" auto "size =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min -width Sounds: 448c /media/assets/241771/107__Connect_your_Canon_EOS_750D_to_your_Android_phone_via_Wi-Fi_-_YouTube_191012_212443_935adec67b324b146ff212ec4c69054f.png?1570899286 700w, 500w 1570899286,

Enable Wi-Fi connectivity on your mobile phone.

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Your Canon device will be listed as an available connection with the name of your Canon Wi-Fi SSID. Click Connect.

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The camera will display a one-time password on its screen. Type the password that you generated from your camera on your phone to connect to the camera.

Once the connection is established, open the Canon Camera Connect application to start shooting from a distance.

Initializing the connection for shooting

Follow the steps above to create a connection with your camera. Once the connection is successfully established, you should see three options:

Cam Parameters "width =" 608 "height =" 1083 "data-size =" auto "size =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: // do it yourself 340w

Remote shooting

This option allows remote shooting.

Pictures on the camera

This option provides a thumbnail of all available images on the camera at this time.

Location Information

This menu allows you to use your phone's GPS data to geotag photos on your camera. If you connect the wrong camera, you will receive a warning message.

Cam Parameters Open Active "width =" 607 "height =" 1085 "data-size =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: // 607w, -active_40dd5eab97016030a3870d712fd9ef0f.jpg? 1570899019 500w,

If you connect the right camera, you will be able to toggle the start logging. And you will receive a notification to this effect.

Place of recording "width =" 609 "height =" 1083 "data-size =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: // cendrill 340w

If the location permission is set to Allow, a small satellite icon appears in the upper left corner of each photo with a location tag.

Now click on the Images option to view all the photos on your digital camera. You should be able to scroll and view each photo as if it were on your phone.

Remote shooting: other useful configurations

Create a connection with your camera using the application. In some cases, you may lose the connection from your phone for several reasons, including:

  • Switch your phone to airplane mode.
  • Fail to switch the camera on / off button.
  • Random restart / configured your mobile phone after connection.

This should not be an obstacle and you do not need to restart the configuration. Here's what you need to do:

  • Tap Mobile Device Connect on your camera.
  • Open your phone's Wi-Fi list, choose the Wi-Fi access point from the camera and log in.
  • As soon as the connection is established, you can open the Canon Camera application.

Start shooting from a distance

Click the Shooting Remote option on your phone. Your digital camera lens will come out, and you should see the live image displayed on your screen.

Cam Parameters "width =" 610 "height =" 1085 "data-size =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: // 610W, 500W https: // 340w

In some cases, it is better to use the application in landscape mode to get better angles and coverage. A double tapping on the image will magnify the camera view by a factor of five.

Double-click on the screen to return the camera to its normal viewing mode.

Note: Pinching and stretching do not work to enlarge the view and the camera only works in "P" mode. In addition, you can not record video in this mode.

Using location information

Information about the send loop "width =" 610 "height =" 1083 "data-size =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw " srcset = "https: / 12/8/8/80 jpg? 1570899020 500w, 340w

This works by recording the location and time of your phone at regular intervals. Later, the phone compares the time at which each photo was captured compared to the time and location log.

Finally, it assigns the location to the image according to the corresponding timestamps. For this to work accurately, make sure your camera's date and time setting is the same as your phone's.

Start / End of the registration

This option allows you to enable / disable the geolocation feature. Always turn it on before capturing your photos, and then turn it off.

Unfortunately, even sending the application in the background continues logging and the process increases the use of the battery. So, always remember to turn it off.

Transfer of location information

On the application, click Location Information and select "Send Location Information."

Cam Parameters Open "width =" 609 "height =" 1082 "data-size =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: / / jpg? 1570899020 500w, 340w

Click the Send Location button to add the locations and timestamps to the images in your camera. Make sure you have set the location information before you start using the camera.

Now, check the "Reflect date / time of this smartphone" check box to have the date and time of shooting appear on the images. Select Set for camera.

Time to think on the phone "width =" 612 "height =" 1083 "data-size =" auto "sizes =" (min-width: 976px) 700px, (min-width: 448px) 75vw, 90vw "srcset =" https: // 612w, https: //cdn.guidingtech/ -on-phone_191012_221711_40dd5eab97016030a3870707dd9ef0? 1570899020 500w,

Once you have connected it, you can now view these images with the help of the option Pictures on the Camera. Each image with a location tag will have the small satellite icon in its upper left corner.

You can now take as many photos as you like using the remote shooting setup.

Extend the capabilities of your camera

The remote shooting function of the Canon EOS 750D opens up many possibilities for amateurs and professionals alike. It allows users to access and edit photos on the fly while using their phone. Well, even Apple is working on a remote shooting option for the iPhone.

The solution is still young and some features could be improved, including geolocation features. But overall, it's a huge step in the right direction for digital photography.

Next up: Now that you are ready for your remote shooting, do not you prefer a steady shot? Well, you can learn to make your shoots stable with the tips of the next article below.

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