AppVShNotif.exe is a file created by Microsoft and available on Windows 10/8/7. It means Notifier Shell Application Microsoft Application Virtualization Client. It is located in a subfolder of C: Program files. He is responsible for the integration of a virtual application. This means that he is responsible for making available a file for a particular group of users under Windows 10.
AppVShNotify.exe – Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Client Shell Notifier
This file is placed under SYSTEM and is associated with Microsoft Office and is in the following location:
C: Program Files Common Files Microsoft Shared ClickToRun
It is around 290 KB and does not usually require a lot of CPU usage.
If the Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Shell Notifier (AppVShNotify.exe) file behaves abnormally on your computer or is causing problems, it may be corrupted. Running the system file checker can help you.
If this file is in another folder, it may be malicious software. In addition, in the event that this file is not digitally signed by Microsoft, this file may be considered suspicious and we recommend that you run an antivirus scan.
I hope it clears the air.
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