Windows 10 Start Menu is very slow to open? Make it faster!

Windows 10 Start Menu is slow to open

If your Windows 10 Start menu opens slowly, slows down or stutters and you want to speed up the Windows 10 Start menu; then this post can help you. Windows 10 includes animations that look nice when opening and closing windows. But if you do not use it, you can eliminate them. This will help speed up the opening and closing of windows.

The Windows 10 Start Menu is slow to open

If your Start menu opens slowly, you can speed up its loading by doing the following:

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. In the left pane, select Advanced system properties
  3. Under the Performance section, click the Settings button.
  4. Performance options will open
  5. shoot Animate controls and elements in windows
  6. shoot Animate windows during reduction and maximization
  7. Click Apply / OK and exit.

That's it! Now when you click the Start button, the Start menu will open almost immediately. Even indoor menus, like All Apps, etc., open instantly.

The animations slow things down a bit, but if you like to quickly open the Start menu, the Explorer, the program windows and even the interior menus, that's the way to go.

If that does not help, you may be able to simply restart StartMenuExperienceHost.exe and see.

I hope you have found this little useful tip and that you have been able to have your Start menu loaded more quickly.

Anand Khanse is the director of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP Winner on Windows (2006-16) and a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire message and comments first, create a system restore point before making any changes to your system, and be cautious about third party offers when you are in the system. installation of free software.

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