Another computer is using the printer error message

Restart Print Spooler Service

When multiple computers use a printer, it may be locked for a period of time. You learn to know when you try to print a file and you receive an error message saying: Another computer uses the printer. This means that the previous process did not release the lock. In this post, we will share how you can correct this error.

Another computer uses the printer

Another computer uses the printer An error message can occur when multiple computers access the same printer or if the same driver is corrupted or something makes the printer unavailable. Here are the solutions we propose to try to solve the problem:

  1. Hard Power recycle the printer
  2. Restart the Print Spooler Service
  3. Update the printer driver
  4. Delete the entire Spool folder

One of the solutions will surely help you get rid of the error.

1) Hard power recycling printer

Sometimes the printer is stuck in one of the previous requests. So, whenever another computer tries to connect, the error is generated. One of the best ways is to recycle the printer under power.

Turn off the printer and leave it off for about a minute or so. Then turn it back on and connect to the network or computer. Try to print a document now. The power supply ensures that the printer is in the busy and available state.

2) Restart the Print Spooler Service

Restart the Print Spooler Service

The Print Spooler service keeps a queue of print jobs and handles interactions with the printer. If you disable this service, you will not be able to print or view your printers.

  • Type services.msc in the prompt and press the Enter key to open the service manager
  • This will open the list of all services in Windows.
  • Use the P key on the keyboard to access services starting with the P alphabet, then locate Print Spooler Service.
  • Right-click the Print Spool service and choose Restart from the shortcut menu.
  • Try printing again to check if the error message is gone.

Restart erases everything and makes the printer available to everyone.

Lily: The Print Spooler service is not running.

3) Update the printer driver

Update the Windows 10 printer driver

Another solution is to update the printer driver or to reinstall it. It will update everything, including a corrupt driver or a blocked queue.

  • Right-click the Start button and choose Device Manager.
  • Extend the Queues for printing section, and then right-click on the printer, causing the problem.
  • Select Update Driver from the menu option and update it.

There are two ways to upgrade the driver. You can let Windows search for a driver from the Windows Update Service. If you have downloaded a new driver from the OEM website, you can use it here.

4) Delete everything in the Spool folder

  • All print jobs are kept at C: Windows System32 spool PRINTERS
  • Navigate to the folder and open it.
  • Delete everything it contains and check again with the printer.

We hope these tips will help you resolve the error – Another computer uses the printer.

Read more: How to cancel a queue of print jobs blocked.

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