Change default Shutdown options in Alt+F4 Dialog box in Windows 10

The Windows Club

Working with Windows 10 becomes quite simple these days, thanks to the tips and adjustments available. We have all seen that with each new major release, the Windows operating system evolves. But what we miss the most are the basic settings we made when Windows XP was at its peak. In this article, I will show you how to change the default shutdown options in the Alt+F4 Windows 10 dialog.

Alt+F4 the shortcut is one of the most used shortcuts in the Windows environment. If someone knows how to manage a system using shortcuts, they can easily manage it without even touching the mouse. These shortcuts are easy to use and also speed up our work. When using Alt + F4, a dialog box opens with Restart (or any other) as the preset option. Today we will see how to replace it by default with Shutdown.

Change default stop options in Alt + F4

No matter if there are many other ways to shut down the system, Alt + F4 remains everyone’s favorite. Please keep in mind that the method we are going to perform today requires some modifications in a Windows registry, so do not change anything that is not mentioned in the methods below.

1]Using the Windows Registry

hurry To win + R , the Run dialog box appears. Type regedit and press Enter.regedit_run

Access the registry:


Right click on the Advanced the registry tree and click New. Now select DWORD (32 bit) Value.


Name it as Start_PowerButtonAction. It will control the default action in the Stop dialog box.

Double-click the newly created dword.

Now enter the value data as 2 make “To close“As default action. Select Based as Decimal.


To set another default option, you can use:

  • 4 make To restart as default action
  • 256 make Switch user as default action
  • 1 make Sign outside as default action
  • 16 make Sleep as default action
  • 64 make Hibernate as the default action.

Note: You can make Sleep and Hibernate available in Control Panel.

Keep in mind that you can run this method as an administrator for each user on the system. To make it available only to a user, this is done by logging in as a user and applying the method above.

2]Using local group policy

You can use this method for all kinds of groups like all users, users except administrator, etc. But, you need to log in as administrator to use this method.

Open the Start menu and type modify group policy.alt-f4-dialog-group-policy

Click on the application to open it.

On the left panel, enlarge the Administrative Models tree in the User settings section.

Select now Start Menu and Taskbar.alt-f4-power-button-policy

In the Settings window, double-click Change the Start menu power button.

Click on Activated and choose To close in the drop-down list of The options window.


Click on Apply then click on OKAY.

In this way, you can easily change the default action of the ALt + F4 dialog box.

Make sure to restart your system for these changes to take effect.

Read more: How to create a shortcut to open the Stop dialog box (Alt + F4).

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