Fix Office “Something went wrong” Error 1058-13

Office something went wrong error

If you try to start a Microsoft Office application or uninstall and repair and receive the following error:

“Something went wrong. We’re sorry, but we can’t start your program. Please make sure it is not disabled by the system. Error code: 1058-13”

Office something went wrong error

This problem usually occurs because the Microsoft Office ClickToRun service is not enabled. To enable it again, try these steps.

  1. To select “To start up“, then type “CMD“.
  2. Right click “Command Prompt» and choose «Execute as administrator“.
  3. The Administrator Command Prompt window appears. Type the following, then press “To enter“:
    • sc config clicktorunsvc start= auto
  4. You should receive a “HIT” message. Now type the following, then press “To enter“:
  5. Your output should look like this.
    Start Office clicktorun output

Now try to start a Microsoft Office application or run an uninstall or repair as originally intended. Hope it works now.

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