How to always open Chrome in Guest Mode in Windows 10

Always Open Guest mode Chrome

Google Chrome offers guest mode in its browser, which is useful if you want to give a user temporary access to your computer. The advantage is that nothing is followed unless they connect to certain services. While Chrome guest mode must be started manually, if you have frequent guests, you always open Chrome in guest mode on Windows 10.

Open the guest mode window in the Chrome browser

To open a Chrome window in guest mode, follow these steps:

  1. Start Chrome.
  2. In the top right, click Profile
  3. Click Open Guest Window.

The guest mode window will open.

chrome guest mode

To exit Chrome Guest Mode, click on the profile picture in the upper right corner and select Leave the guest.

Lily: Difference between Guest and Incognito modes in Chrome.

Always open Chrome in Guest mode

Always open Chrome Guest Mode

The tip we share here can be used to launch Chrome in any profile. If you have multiple users on Chrome and still want to start Chrome in a particular profile, we can use this technique. To keep Chrome always in guest mode, follow these steps:

  1. Create a desktop shortcut for Chrome
  2. Right-click on it and select Properties.
  3. Switch to the Shortcut tab.
  4. Click on the target area.
  5. At the end of the quote, add --profile-directory="Guest Profile"
  6. Click OK to save.

Chrome Flag for Guest Mode

Now, rename the shortcut to something you will remember. Let's Chrome Guest.

Now whenever a guest wants to use the browser; you can launch it with a double click. When it opens, they can click on Browse as a guest button to start the guest mode.

The only drawback is that all user profiles on Chrome will be visible from the start and the user will have to select Guest mode manually.

Similarly, if you want to launch a particular profile, you must use Profile 1 or Profile 2 in the option. Make sure to check if this user profile is open.

Guest mode prevents Google Chrome from recording your browsing activity, but some activities will still be visible to the websites you visit, if you have logged in, and on your network, as well as your Internet service provider.

We hope it was easy to set up guest mode in Chrome and launch it directly, even though we hope Google offers an option in which no profile is displayed.

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