How to convert old Word document to new Word format

Convert old Word document into latest Word format

Microsoft Office applications are designed to fully meet the current needs of users. So, if you are looking for a way to convert old Word documents into the most recent Word format, it's possible. Follow the instructions given below to replace the old Word format with the latest Word format.

Convert the old Word document to the latest Word format

Earlier editions of Microsoft Word used the .doc file format to save documents in the default file format. This was later changed to the .docx file format. The new format has many advantages. For example, the small size of DOCX files allows users to share, store, email, back up much more easily than larger DOC files with the same content and information.

If you want to convert the old Word document to the most recent Word format, you have three ways to do it:

  1. Using the compatibility mode of the Word application
  2. Using the "Save As" option
  3. Via Word online.

1) Using the Word Application Compatibility Mode

Find the old Word document. Once found, right-click on it and selectOpen with'> Word.

When the document opens, select theFile"Tab to choose"Info'Option in the left sidebar.

<img class = "ezlazyload aligncenter large size wp-image-195296″ alt=”change the old word format to last Word format” width=”600″ height=”362″ sizes=”(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px” src=”×362.png” srcset=” 600w,×91.png 150w,×241.png 400w”/>

Select 'ConvertCompatibility mode tile. This mode becomes visible in the toolbar when you use a version of Word that is newer than the version used to create your document. It temporarily disables the new or improved features of Word.

A pop-up window will appear instantly on your computer screen, prompting you to confirm your action.

Press the OK button to complete the action. When you do, your document will be upgraded to the most recent file format. The size of your file will also be reduced.

2) Using the "Save As" option

The easiest way to upgrade your document is to use theto save& #39; m e n u.

To use this method, open the document, click the buttonFile"And select"Save as'Option.

After that, simply choose the Word document (.docx) from the Format drop-down menu, and then click Save.

3) via Word Online

If the Office application is not installed, you can still get the desired result. Here's how!

Go to and sign in with your Microsoft account.

Then select 'Download and open'Option. This will allow you to download your old Word file from your computer.

Navigate to the folder containing your document and select it to download it online.

When the file is loaded and is open on your screen, click "File& #39;> & #39;Info& #39;> & #39;Previous versions& #39;> & #39;Download"

Click & #39;Download'To start downloading the document to your computer in the latest format.

How to convert a new Word document into an earlier version

If for some reason you need to convert a new Word document into an older version, the easiest way is to use the "Save As" option and save the file with an older Word format, for example. the .doc file.

I hope it helps.

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