How to list all the installed Printers on Windows 10 computer

How to list all the installed Printers on Windows 10 computer

You can install multiple printers on a Windows computer. Now, when you have multiple printers installed, you can list all installed printers. Today, we will show you how to perform this task using different tools. methods.

List all printers installed on Windows 10

You can use the following four methods to list all the printers installed on Windows 10:

  1. Using the control panel.
  2. Via the Windows 10 Settings application.
  3. Using Windows PowerShell.
  4. Using the command prompt.

Let's see these methods in detail.

1] Using the control panel

Open the control panel. To select Devices and printers.

Under the section of Printers, you will find all the printers installed on your computer.

2] Using Windows 10 Settings App

list all printers installed on Windows 10

Open the Windows 10 Settings application. To select Devices.

Then click Printers and scanners.

Under the section of Printers and scanners, you will find all the printers installed on your computer.

3] Using Windows PowerShell

Run Windows PowerShell and run this command to list the names of the installed printers:

Get-Printer | Format-List Name

Run this command to list all the details of the installed printers:

Get-Printer | Format-List

Run this command to save all the details of installed printers in a text file on the desktop:

Get-Printer | Format-List | Out-File "$env:userprofileDesktopInstalledPrinters.txt"

4] Using the Windows Command Prompt

Open the Windows command prompt.

To list the installed printers, run this command:

wmic printer list brief

To save the list of installed printers, run this command:

wmic printer list brief > "%userprofile%DesktopPrinters.txt"

I hope you find this guide useful.

Now read: How to list printers using the same printer driver, separately in Windows 10.

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