How to run Windows Defender according to your own scan schedule

Windows Defender Antivirus

With online bullying like viruses, spyware, ransomware and so on, gaining importance for all the wrong reasons – protecting your system becomes a huge issue. To actively protect your systems and files from such online threats, you can use Windows 10’s own security solution, i.e. Windows Defender.

Windows Defender Antivirus, previously known simply as Windows Defender, is an anti-malware software component built into the Windows operating system. This software provides real-time protection to monitor, detect and remove malware from your system and protect your device and files. Although this software continues to run in the background mainly during periods of system inactivity, you can also run Windows Defender Antivirus on your own schedule or on demand at any time.

Windows Defender Antivirus gives you the option of starting a scan manually or scheduling a scan at a specific time depending on your needs. In this blog, we explain how it works, let’s take a look.

Schedule a Windows Defender virus scan

When a user keeps their system powered off when not in use or puts them to sleep – they can still schedule a scan with Windows Defender Antivirus using the Windows Task Scheduler. To schedule a Defender scan manually on your device, follow these steps.

1]In Windows 10, click on the ‘Start ‘ and type “Task planner ” and click on the correct result or click on “Enter’

2]In the left navigation pane of the Task Scheduler window, scroll down to the following location:

Task Scheduler (local)> Task Scheduler Library> Microsoft> Windows> Windows Defender

3]Now, in the middle pane, right click on the ‘Windows Defender scheduled scan » task and select “Properties ”

Windows Defender Antivirus

4]In the Properties window, click on the ‘Triggers » tongue

5]Create a new trigger by clicking on the “New’ button.

Windows Defender Antivirus

6]Check if ‘On a calendar » The option is selected inStart the task » scrolling menu

7]Select the program in the ‘Settings’ option

Note: Users can configure the scan to run only once, or define recurring scans on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Also use the “StartTo specify when the task should start and the time (this is very important).

8]Now make sure thatActivated ‘ the option appearing at the bottom is checked

Windows Defender Antivirus

9]Finally, click on ‘OKAY’

Pro tip: There are other useful options here, such as the “Conditions” tab. If you are on a laptop, you can select the “Shut down if the computer goes to the battery” and “Start the task only if the computer is supplied with alternating current” the options. These options prevent the task from running when the system should shut down due to a low battery. In addition, the “Wake up the computer to perform this task” The option is very useful for those who put their system to sleep when not in use. When this option is enabled, Windows independently wakes up the system, runs the scan, and resumes when finished.

Once these steps are complete, the integrated antivirus runs automatically using the specified schedule. Exit Task Scheduler now and fully rely on Windows Defender to do its job according to the schedule you have set.

Schedule a custom scan of Windows Defender Antivirus

Sometimes the integrated task does not work as expected. some users also encounter error 0x2. In such circumstances, users can configure Windows Defender to scan automatically by setting up a custom schedule using a new task. Try the steps mentioned below:

1]Of ‘The Start menu ‘ open the ‘Task planner ”

2]Right click on “Task Scheduler Library » and select “New folder ‘ in the menu.

Windows Defender Antivirus

3]Type a custom name for the new folder. In this example, we defined it as “MyScanTasks

4]Now click on “Okay’

Windows Defender Antivirus

5]Now expand the “Task Scheduler Library” branch and select the antivirus task folder that you have just created, ie “MyScanTasks

6]Click on the “Action” menu at the top of the window and select “Create a task “

Windows Defender Antivirus

7]Specify the task.

8]In the ‘Last name’ , enter a descriptive name for this task. In this example, “My Windows Defender Antivirus scheduled task

9]In the ‘Security options ” , you can configure which user account can run the task

ten]Check the option ‘Run with the highest privileges ”.

Windows Defender Antivirus

11]Now click on the ‘Action’ tab and press the ‘New’ button

12]Add Windows Defender Antivirus to the task

13]Use the ‘Action’ from the drop-down menu and select “Start a program » option.

14]Under the ‘Settings“In the section”Program / script“, Specify the path of the Windows Defender Antivirus program:

%ProgramFiles%Windows DefenderMpCmdRun.exe

15]In the “Add arguments” field, indicate the type of analysis you want to perform:

-Scan -ScanType 2

Windows Defender Antivirus

16]Hit ‘OKAY’

17]Now in the ‘Triggers » tab, click on “New’ and specify the time settings. The steps here are the same as above when setting up Windows Defender to automatically scan using the built-in task.

Windows Defender Antivirus

Once you have completed these steps, authenticate with your account credentials, then Windows Defender antivirus will do its job automatically according to the given schedule.

We hope this guide has helped you plan the Windows Defender Antivirus scan. Try it and keep your system safe!

Windows Defender Antivirus

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