How to Wipe System Data on iPhone Storage in 2023 (Zero KB)

How to Wipe System Data on iPhone Storage in 2023

System data on iPhone is huge

Looking for a way to clear system data on iPhone and free up storage space? Other system data taking up too much space, or on the contrary, showing -1 byte or Zero KB? Here’s how to reduce or remove it!

System data on iPhone is huge?

This issue was recently reported by Kai (iOS 16.2):

“System data in iPhone storage occupies almost 100GB. Is there any way to delete it?”

Other system data taking up too much space is nothing new. We covered the same issue in the early stages of iOS 15.

It seems to have carried over to iOS 16 and many users are complaining about it on Reddit (1,2,3) and Apple’s message boards (1 and 2).

Other system data Zero KB?

other zero KB system data

Some users also see system data displayed -1 byte or Zero KB. This unexpected behavior is currently happening on my iPhone 13 Pro as of this writing.

In this case, there is a spinning wheel next to System datain Settings -> General -> iPhone Storage (scroll down to System Data).

If the wheel is spinning and you press System Data, you’ll see Other system data -1 byte. If you wait long enough for the loading wheel to disappear, you will get Other system data Zero KB.
other system data -1 byte

How to Clear System Data on iPhone and iPad

how to delete system data on iphone

This trick requires you to change the current date on your iPhone in order to trigger the maintained process to delete caches (system data) from disk.

Does: maintained is an iOS and iPadOS process responsible for clearing and managing the cache.

Point: If you are using the Instagram or Discord iOS app, delete and reinstall them first as they seem to make the most of the system data cache.

If the Other system data is above 25 GB After reinstalling both apps, follow the steps below.

Important: Before you start, know that you should not use this trick too often. Typically, caches are used to increase the performance of iOS and its apps. However, if system data gets out of control, do the following:

  • 1. Very important: Open Settings on iPhone or iPad and opt for Messages -> Keep Messages (under Message history) and select For all time.
  • Does: This will help you avoid losing your iMessages and SMS during this procedure!

  • 2. Open the app switcher (swipe up from the bottom of the screen) and close all applications.
  • 3. Bring an iPhone or iPad Airplane mode and make sure that Bluetooth and Wireless are disabled in settings.
  • 4. Opt for Settings -> General -> Date & Time. Disable Set automatically if enabled. Tap the current date and change it 1 year in the future!
    how to clear system data on iphone
  • 5. keep your awake phone and unlocked. Hang on 60 seconds.
    erase system data on iphone date trick
    Does: If you are using the Gmail app, you may receive the Unable to verify server identity error due to date change. Click on to cancel and carry on.
  • 6. Opt for Settings -> General -> iPhone Storage -> System Data and check the Other system data assess. It should have shrunk considerably.
  • Point: If you don’t see any change Force Quit Settingsreopen and check again.

  • 7. Now go back to the Date and time settings and reset the date to 3 months in the future. (go back 9 months from the initial 1 year) and wait another 60 seconds with your iPhone awake and unlocked.
  • 8. Check system data once again. It should be the same as step 6 or less.
  • 9. Reactivate Set automatically to Date and hourto revert your iPhone or iPad to today’s date.
  • ten. Disable airplane mode. Other system data must remain small. Is that the case ?
  • Credits: This tip was researched and shared on Reddit by Vertsich. Thanks for all your efforts!

Did you successfully delete system data with the troubleshooting sequence above? Share your results in the comments. Mention starting and current values ​​for other system data on iPhone or iPad!

Related: Users have also reported issues with large system data values ​​on Mac in macOS Ventura. Here are the details!

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