What happens when battery is fully charged but still connected?

battery is fully charged

What happens when the battery is fully charged but still connected? The question here depends on the type of battery we are talking about. Since most devices are now equipped with lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries, we will take this into account. That said, take a step back. Any overcharged battery will heat, explode, or lose capacity. However, the technology has evolved enough to be avoided. In this article, I'll share what happens when the battery is fully charged but stays connected. This applies to laptops, mobile phones and rechargeable batteries.

What happens when the battery is fully charged but still connected?

Many of us have put our phones and laptops in charge during the night. It ensures that it is ready for prime time when you get up. However, many worry about the risk of overheating or explosion, because a full charge usually takes between 2 and 3 hours. Here is the deal. Manufacturers have ensured that these batteries are not overloaded, even if they are kept for a long time.

Protection circuit

Technically, batteries nowadays do not overload, thanks to OEM to implement internal protection function. As soon as the battery reaches the 100% mark, the internal circuit disconnects the power source to send any other stream. The power circuit is designed to detect the upper limit and disconnects the connection when it is reached.

Thus, as soon as the battery is finally charged, it stops receiving charge energy. The circuit bypasses the current directly to the power supply system of the laptop. This breaks one of the myths about the laptop battery, according to which the battery will still power the laptops.

Rechargeable batteries

In the case of rechargeable batteries, it depends entirely on the manufacturer. Even if it works on the same principles, check with the OEM if it offers a breaker after charging is complete.

Most cell phones and laptops come with this feature, but always make sure to check with your OEM.

Do you need to keep the laptop plugged in all the time?

There is no simple answer to that. Every OEM has his recommendation. Some manufacturers are in agreement if you maintain it all the time, while others recommend you to discharge the battery from time to time. It keeps the battery working properly.

That said, here is another factor to consider. If you live in a place where the temperature is high, it is advisable to unplug it from time to time, only connect it when the percentage of the battery falls below a certain percentage. The high temperature usually reduces the battery capacity.

Is it better to remove the battery from the laptop when it is plugged in?

This is not a good idea, because in case of power failure, you will lose your job. However, many follow this model thinking that it will increase the life of the battery, because its use will be less. That said, internal heat is one of the important factors affecting battery life.

When using a laptop for occasional work that does not heat it, keep the battery in the laptop jack. If you do heavy work, which generates a lot of heat, and for a longer duration, it is better to delete it.

It is therefore not only the ambient temperature, but also the internal temperature. A lot of gaming laptops offer a cooling feature that increases fan speed and heat dissipated or reduces CPU usage and so on. These colling features can also be manually enabled for some laptops.

How does an excessive discharge affect the life of the battery?

Just like overload, the excessive discharge is terrible. If you do not charge the battery for a long time, it loses its capacity. The battery develops internal resistance and the chemicals begin to settle. This causes problems.

I hope the message has helped answer the question of what happens when the battery is fully charged, but still connected, as well as other issues relating to the charge and the battery.

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