Windows 10 stuck on signing out screen with blue spinning circle
When you log out of Windows 10, this will take you back to the login screen in which you are changing users or logging back in. However, sometimes Windows 10 remains stuck on the disconnect screen with a blue circle. All you see is the disconnection process, but it stays there. In this article, we will give you some tips to get you out of the locked disconnect screen.
Windows 10 blocked on the logout screen
If Windows 10 is stuck on the disconnection screen with a blue circle, then these suggestions are sure to help you out of this situation:
- Force the shutdown of the computer
- Troubleshoot in a clean boot state
- Check the status of the user profile service
- User Profile Repair
- Perform the system restore.
Be sure to use an administrator account to complete some of our suggestions.
1) Force the shutdown of the computer
Sometimes it is a one-time problem, and it is solved by forcing the shutdown. Long press the power button on the laptop until the screen becomes white. Restart the computer, and then log in and log off to check if the problem persists.
2) Boot in a clean boot state
When you log out of the computer, Windows closes all applications and services related to the account. If something does not finish or stops responding, the message is blocked. Something similar can happen here.
Force the computer off, restart it, and reconnect to the computer. Then start in clean boot mode. Minimal troubleshooting is designed to isolate a performance problem. To perform a clean troubleshooting, you must perform several actions, and then restart the computer after each action. You may need to manually disable one item after the other to try to identify who is causing the problem. Once you have identified the offender, you may consider deleting or disabling it.
Here are some things you can do:
- Look carefully at the list of programs. One of the applications can block the process.
- Quit all programs on the computer before logging out.
3) Check the status of the user profile service
The User Profile service is responsible for loading and unloading user profiles. If this service is stopped or disabled, users will not be able to log in or out successfully. If it is disabled, some applications might not be able to obtain user data. In addition, it will block all notifications related to the user account.
- Open Services Manager
- Search User Profile Service
- Double-click to open its properties box.
- Make sure the startup type is set to Automatic.
- Make sure it is started.
This will probably help solve your problem.
4) Repair the profile of the user
Before you perform this step, first create a system restore point.
Part of the user profile may be corrupted, which may cause disconnection problems.
You must repair the corrupted user profile with the help of software or repair it with the help of Registry Editor.
Open the registry editor and navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion ProfileList
Find folders starting with S-1. If you notice that one of the files ending in .bak is the cause of the problem.
Assuming that the folder names are S-1-x and S-1-x.bak
Start by renaming S-1-x to S-1-x.backup, and renaming S-1-x.bak to S-1-x.
Then, under S-1-x, double-click ProfileImagePath key and check the value.
If the user name is not the same as the corrupted user name, replace it with the expected name.
Quit and restart.
5) Return to a good point of restoration
If you have already created a restore point, locate a restore point that is at least one week old and restart Windows. Check if the problem has been resolved.
We hope these tips were easy to follow and helped you solve the problem.
Related reading:
- Windows will not be stopped
- Windows 10 is stuck when loading some screens.