21 Best Workona Tips and Tricks for Beginners

21 Best Workona Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Like most Internet users, I usually keep several tabs open in my browser. It becomes difficult to manage them, especially when I am researching something and I will need these tabs in the future. Google hasn’t updated the native bookmark functionality in Chrome for ages. This is where Workona, an extension of the tag manager, comes into play. We’ll explain how to get the most out of the Workona tab manager extension in this article.

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Call it a tab, session or bookmark manager, Workona provides useful features for each of them. You can manage your currently active tabs, save them for later use, suspend tabs and launch your frequently viewed pages.

Workona is an incredible productivity tool for managing tabs. Let’s see how to get the most out of them with these Workona tips and tricks for beginners and everyone.

1. Create a workspace

Workspaces are the building blocks of Workona. The free version allows you to create up to 10 workspaces currently. To create a workspace, click the “+” icon next to the search bar in Workona. Then choose New workspace from the drop-down options.

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An empty workspace opens. Click on the unsaved text and give your workspace a name. Wait a few seconds to let it automatically save the workspace, or click Save.

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2. Manage tabs and resources

Open the tabs and they will automatically appear under the Tabs section. Now, if you want to save any tab from the current set of tabs for the future, simply drag and drop it from the Tabs to Resources section. For the ignorant, resources are folders to store your tabs permanently. When you open a workspace, only the tabs under the Tabs section will open automatically. You will need to open the resource tabs manually.

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3. Add and manage blocks

To allow you to organize your resources, Workona offers blocks. Each block is a sub-folder in a workspace to collect and organize your tabs according to its needs. To create a block, click on the New block button.

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After adding a block, you can rename it by removing the text from existing resources. Otherwise, click the three-dot icon at the top of the resource block and choose Rename Block.

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By default, new blocks are added at the bottom. But you can rearrange them. To do this, hover your mouse over the resource name and drag it to a new position. If you have many resources, you can even collapse them to hide the tabs inside. Place your mouse pointer near the name of the resource and a down arrow will appear. Click on it to collapse it.

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4. Create sections for workspaces

You can organize your workspaces in different sections of the sidebar.

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To create a section, click the add icon at the top of the sidebar and choose New Section.

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5. Reorganize workspaces and sections

Workona facilitates the reorganization of your workspaces and even your sections. Everything in Workona uses drag and drop functionality. So, to rearrange the workspaces, drag it to a new section or a new location. Likewise, drag the section name and place it in a different location.

6. Color coded workspace

To make it easier to identify your workspaces, you can color code them. To do this, click the three-dot icon next to the name of the workspace and choose Change Color from the menu. Select the color of your choice.

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7. Quick display of tabs

Sometimes you may want to display the tabs in a workspace and not open the entire workspace. To do this, you need to hover your mouse over the name of the workspace. Wait a few seconds and it will display the tabs inside. You can even move the tabs from this workspace to your current workspace using the options available next to the tab name.

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8. Archiving workspace

Instead of deleting a workspace, you can hide it from your view if you don’t use it when you archive it. To archive a workspace, click the three-dot icon next to the workspace name. Select Archive.

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Point: In the same menu, you can delete or rename your workspace.

Archived workspaces will be present in the Archive tab at the bottom. It must be unarchived to display the tabs inside an archived workspace. To do this, click on the unarchive button next to the name of the workspace.

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Point: Archiving is also an important feature of many other applications. Find out what archive means in WhatsApp.

9. Close an open workspace

When a workspace is open, click the cross icon next to the workspace name to close it.

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10. How to know which workspaces are open

There are two ways to find out which of your workspaces are currently open. First, you can find the open text next to the name of the workspace.

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Second, you can activate a section that contains your open workspaces. To do this, click on the settings icon at the bottom.

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The Settings pop-up window opens. Click on Tab Management and check the box next to Group open workspaces.

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11. Close or open the tabs

You will find the tabs currently open in the Tabs section of a workspace. From there you can directly open or close a tab. To open a tab, click on it and to close it, hover your mouse over it and click on the cross icon.

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12. Select multiple tabs

You can select multiple tabs if you want to perform an action on multiple tabs, such as moving them to another workspace, deleting them, etc.

To select several tabs in the Tab section, place your mouse to the left of the tab name. A check box will appear. Click on it to select the tab.

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To select tabs in blocks, click the three-dot icon at the top of the block and choose Select.

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13. Restore previous tabs

Workona automatically saves your session if your browser freezes or if you accidentally close it. To restore the tabs for a session, click on the Restore previous tabs icon at the top of the Tabs section. To move between several sessions, click on the previous and next icons. And to restore a session, click Restore at the bottom.

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14. Suspend tabs

Workona comes with a built-in function to suspend the currently active tabs. To suspend them, click the three-dot icon at the top of the Tabs section. Choose Pause all tabs.

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15. Send open tabs by email

Sometimes you want to share the tabs currently open in your browser with a friend or colleague. Instead of copying and pasting each URL, you can use Workona’s link sharing feature. To do this, press the three-dot icon in the Tabs section and choose Send all links by email.

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16. Add your own links to resources

In addition to saving the currently active tabs in resources, you can also add links manually. To do this, click on the plus icon at the top of the block. Choose a link from your web history or paste a link.

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17. Manage applications

Workona automatically adds your recently used websites as apps for faster action on them. For example, you can launch the tweet composer page or create a Google Docs document from Workona. The apps are available on the left side of the sidebar.

To add or remove applications from the dock, click on the Applications icon at the bottom of the sidebar. Then drag and drop apps to add or remove them from the dock.

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Alternativement, pour supprimer une application, cliquez sur son icône dans le dock et choisissez Supprimer du dock. Si votre site Web préféré n’est pas répertorié en tant qu’application, cliquez sur le bouton Rechercher d’autres applications. Vous pouvez également réorganiser les applications dans le dock par la méthode habituelle de glisser-déposer.

18. Désactiver l’application Dock

Si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser d’applications ou désactiver le dock d’applications pour une raison quelconque, vous pouvez le faire à partir des paramètres de Workona. Cliquez sur l’icône Paramètres en bas.

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Accédez aux applications. Décochez la case à côté de Afficher les applications dans le dock.

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19. Utilisez la recherche et la création

La recherche dans Workona n’est pas limitée aux onglets. Vous pouvez utiliser la barre de recherche pour parcourir votre historique de navigation et également lancer de nouvelles pages ou documents.

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Type /New dans la barre de recherche pour voir ce que vous pouvez créer à partir de Workona. Certains exemples incluent une feuille Google, un formulaire Google, la conception Canva, une réunion Zoom, une note Evernote et bien plus encore.

Point: Cliquez sur l’icône coup de foudre à côté de la barre de recherche pour ouvrir directement la section de création de Workona.

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20. Launch Workspaces in Different Browser Windows

By default, when you switch between workspaces, they will open in the same window. If that behavior doesn’t suit your taste, you can make Workona launch workspaces in different windows. For that, go to Workona settings. Click on Tab management and check the box next to Open workspaces in separate windows.

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Tip: Chrome supports multiple user profiles. Learn how to use Chrome profiles.

21. Disable Tab Management

If you don’t want to separate your tabs by workspaces, you can disable that behavior by turning off Tab management. Go to Workona settings and click on Tab management. Turn off the toggle at the top.

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Bonus: Stop Workona From Taking Over New Tab Page

When you install Workona, it takes over your new tab page, even if you already had a different new tab extension. You can stop Workona from taking over by changing a setting. When you do so, Workona can be accessed from the pinned tab or its website.

To change the new tab setting for Workona, open its settings, and click on the New tab.

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A new window will open. Disable the toggle next to Use Workona on the new tab. Then either choose the Default page or follow the on-screen instructions for using a different extension.

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Master Workona For Your Tabs

Workona is a beautiful tool to manage your bookmarks and tabs, and eventually, increase your productivity. Sadly, if you want to enjoy its benefits on your mobiles, there aren’t dedicated apps. But, Workona can be accessed from its web version. So head over to workona.com/0/ from your mobile browser and you will see your workspaces created on your PC.


Tabs are the heart and soul of any browser. Check out 21 useful tips and tricks to use and manage Chrome tabs productively from the next link.

Last updated on 8 Jun, 2020

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