A current driver on your PC may be better than the driver we’re trying to install
If, when you try to install a new feature update, Windows Update generates an error A current driver on your PC may be better than the driver we are trying to install, we will continue to try to install On Windows 10, the best suggestion we have to offer is not to manually check for and install updates, but rather wait until the update is offered to your PC. However, if you don’t want to do it, read on.
The Windows Update mechanism can install new drivers for components such as display, network, Bluetooth, etc. When a particular component is not compatible with a new version of Windows 10, Windows Update tries to install a compatible driver package from the Microsoft driver store. Some users are currently reporting that Windows Update repeatedly tries to install an older version of the Intel Corporation Display drivers on Windows 10, they see this error message.
A current driver on your PC may be better than the driver we are trying to install
If you receive this message A current driver on your PC may be better than the driver we are trying to install problem, you can try our recommended solutions below in no particular order and see if it helps to fix the problem.
- Wait until the functionality update is offered to you via Windows Update
- Run the Windows Update troubleshooter
- Delete the contents of the SoftwareDistribution folder
- Update the drivers and see
- Uninstall the Intel GPU driver in Device Manager
- Hide Intel Graphics Driver Update in Windows Update
- Download and install the latest graphics driver directly from the Intel website
- Use the update wizard to install the feature update.
Let’s take a look at the description of the process involved for each of the solutions listed.
1]Wait until you are offered the feature update
You can see this message if you are manually checking for updates. We suggest that you wait for the update to be offered to your PC via Windows Update.
2]Run the Windows Update troubleshooter
This solution requires you to run the built-in Windows Update troubleshooter and see if that helps fix the problem.
3]Clear Windows Update cache
the Software distribution folder in the Windows 10 operating system is a folder located in the Windows directory and used to temporarily store files that may be required to install Windows Update on your computer.
Delete the contents of the Software Distribution folder and see if that helps solve the problem.
4]Update drivers
You can use Device Manager to update your drivers.
5]Uninstall the Intel GPU driver in Device Manager
This solution implies that you uninstall the Intel GPU driver through Device Manager or that you can use the display driver uninstaller and then restart the system.
After restarting, your PC will only use the base / generic driver and Windows Update should be able to install the updated driver, which was previously blocked due to a conflict with the existing driver.
6]Hide Intel Graphics Driver Update in Windows Update
Because the Intel Graphics driver is an older version that continues to appear, and Windows Update tries to download and install it several times, you can safely block this driver update.
7]Download and install the latest graphics driver directly from the Intel website
This solution requires that you ensure that you have installed the latest graphics drivers directly from Intel. You can download the latest version of the graphics driver from the manufacturer’s website.
8]Use the Windows 10 update wizard
If nothing helps, you can use the Windows 10 Update Wizard to install the feature update.
I hope something here will help you.
- Keywords: Drivers, Windows Updates