How to create a new email in Outlook app using its features

How to create a new email in Outlook app using its features

The Outlook app in Windows 10 comes with many new and advanced features and functions. You can create an email, appointment, contact, and task in the Outlook app. In this article, however, we’ll see how to create and write a new email message in the Outlook app, and learn more about the features and functions it has to offer.

How to create a new email in Outlook

Open the Outlook app from the Start menu or just search for the app in the search box.

The Outlook application will open and you will see the ribbon above which will include a variety of functions and features. To create a new email, click on ‘New email’ of ‘Home’ tongue.

How to create a new email in Outlook application using its features

A new message window will open like this. At the top, you will see the menu consisting of different tabs such as File, message, insertion, options, text formatting, review and help.

How to create a new email in Outlook application using its features

Fill in the appropriate email addresses in the ‘From to’, and “CC” sections. Also fill in the subject of the e-mail message in the ‘Matter’ section.

Then write the body of the email in the space below and see how we can edit and customize it using the features of Outlook.

Features of the “Message” tab

How to create a new email in Outlook application using its features

  • in the Message tab you will see a variety of separate commands in different sections such as Clipboard, basic text, names, include, tags and my templates.
  • Under Clipboard, you can cut, copy and paste content and use the Format Painter function. Format Painter allows you to apply a particular aspect and style from one selected content to another.
  • Basic text includes functionality to change the style, size, and color of the font. It provides you with options to bold, italicize and underline your text. You can choose the content alignment – left, center or right; and increase or decrease the shrinkage, which is the space from the margin. You can also create a bulleted list as well as a numbered list for a better visual presentation of your content.
  • Under Names, you can check and open the names and email addresses saved in the list.
  • The Include category allows you to attach a file, business card, calendar, email signatures or any other Outlook item.
  • Under Tags, you can add different tags to emails to set them based on high priority, low priority, and tracking.
  • My models will show you the models already available and will also allow you to create new models that you can add to your message. Text and images can be included in the templates.

Features of the “Insert” tab

How to create a new email in Outlook

  • the Insert tab displays different categories called Include, tables, illustrations, links, text and symbols.
  • Under Include, you can insert or attach a file, business card, calendar, signature, and other such Outlook items.
  • You can draw or insert a table with the required number of rows and columns. This can help you organize the information and display it in a presentable way. This feature also allows you to insert a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet into the message.
  • The Illustrations section will help you add or insert images, shapes, icons, different 3D models, graphics, a SmartArt graphic or even a screenshot!
  • You can add a hyperlink or a bookmark under Links.
  • The Text section includes parameters related to text, text styles and Word-Art.
  • You can also insert an equation, symbol or horizontal line from the Symbols section.

Features of the “Options” tab

How to create a new email in Outlook

  • in the The options tab you can see different sections such as Themes, Display fields, Encrypt, Tracking and More options.
  • In the Themes section, you can choose a specific theme, fonts, colors and effects for your document to give it the perfect look you want. The color of the document page can also be changed here.
  • The Show Fields section allows you to add ‘Bcc’. The recipients in the Bcc field will receive the email, but they will not be visible to other recipients.
  • You can encrypt and set permission on the message to prevent others from forwarding it.
  • The commands under Tracking allow you to track the status of the message, whether it is received or read by the recipient. You can also add voting buttons here to your message.
  • Under More options, you will find additional settings for where or in which folder you choose to save your sent items. You will also find an option to not save your sent items and more of these settings.

Features of the ‘Format Text’ tab

How to create a new email in Outlook

  • in the Format text tab there are a variety of settings related to the font, the font styles and so under various sections such as Clipboard, format, font, paragraph, styles, editing and zoom.
  • The clipboard includes functions related to copying, cutting, pasting and formatting the painter.
  • Format settings allow you to format the message in HTML, plain text, or rich text format.
  • The Font category includes features for changing the font type, size and color. You can change the case of the text. You can bold, italicize and underline the text.
  • The settings under Paragraph help you adjust line and paragraph spacing, align content, increase or decrease indentation, etc. You can create a numbered list, a bulleted list, and a multi-level list. You can also add or remove borders and change the shading of the selected content.
  • Styles allow you to modify all styles, fonts, colors, paragraph spacing used in the document. You can choose from the number of style options available here; and also create a new style for the document.
  • Changing settings helps you find and replace text using advanced search options.
  • Finally, you can zoom in or out on the desired percentage.

Features of the “Review” tab

How to create a new email in Outlook

  • in the Review tab you will find the parameters related to Verification, speech, accessibility, perspectives and language.
  • Under Verification, you will see three important features – Grammar and Spelling, Thesaurus and Word Count. These help you to identify typos or grammatical errors, identical words or synonyms and the number of words.
  • The read aloud function under Speech reads the text aloud, highlighting it with the reading.
  • The accessibility feature checks for problems and helps make the document more accessible to users.
  • Smart search in Insights allows you to get more information about content from other online sources.
  • Finally, the language settings allow you to translate the content into another language and choose other language preferences.

Features of the “Help” tab

How to create a new email in Outlook

  • As in the picture, you can see Help me and Tools sections under the Help me tongue.
  • Here you will find the buttons to contact a Microsoft agent, give your opinion, get help on Microsoft Office, etc.

Features of the “File” tab

How to create a new email in Outlook

  • File The tab includes settings for saving the file, printing the file, and other additional Outlook options.

This covers all the features of the Outlook app and that way you can create a new email message and customize it as you want using these features.

How to create a new email in Outlook application using its features

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