Twitter has always been about brevity, but the company seems to be losing its strict 140-character limit for every tweet. As an experimental feature, the company has allowed some people to use up to 280 characters per tweet. Like all the important changes to products that many people use, this one has turned out to be polarizing. Some people love it while others do not. No matter which side of the debate you are on, you can try the feature for yourself and decide if you like it. If Twitter has activated it on your account, it's fantastic. If not, these steps will help you double the number of characters in each of your tweets.
How to tweet 280 characters on
If you are on Google Chrome, follow these steps:
- Open Tweetdeck and log in with your Twitter account
- Click View > Developer > Development Tools
- Click on the Sources tab . [19659005] Click now on > button and select Code snippets .
- Click on New extract .
- Copy the code below .TwitterClient.prototype.makeTwitterCall = function (b, e, f, g, c, d, h) {c = c || function () {}; d = d || function () {}; b = this. request (b, {method: f, params: Object.assign (e, {weighted_character_count :! 0}), processor: g, feedType: h}), return b.addCallbacks (function (a) {c ( )}, the function (a) {d (a.req, "", a.msg, a.req.errors)}), b};
twttrTxt = Object.assign ({}, twttr.txt, {isInvalidTweet: function () {return! 1}, getTweetLength: function () {return twttr.txt.getTweetLength.apply (this, arguments) -140} }); - Now paste this code into the box to the right of the button New Preview
- Click on the icon Reading
- Now click on the new tweet button in Tweetdeck and lo and behold ! You will see that the character limit is now 280. Go ahead and tweet your heart.
If you are on Firefox, follow these steps:
- Open Firefox and connect to Twitter via Tweetdeck.
- Click Tools > Web Developer > Web Console .
- The console will appear in the lower half of the page. At the very bottom you will see an icon that looks like this > . Click on the space to his right. That's where you have to paste the code.
- But first, you have to tell Firefox that you know what you are doing. Enter allow paste . This will allow you to stick the code – it's a simple security measure to prevent people from accidentally spoiling their browser.
- Now, paste the code from this page, you can copy it from above. Hit Enter .
- Here you can now start tweeting tweets of 280 characters.
If you are on Safari, do the following:
- First, you must activate ] Expand the menu in Safari. Click Safari in the menu bar at the top, and then click Preferences .
- Go now to the tab Advanced and make sure Show Expand menu in the menu bar is on
- Sign in with Twitter via Tweetdeck
- Next, you must click Expand in the menu bar at the top and click Show Javascript Console .
- Paste the code we used for Chrome and Firefox and press Enter .
- You can now start tweeting tweets of 280 characters. [19659028]