Windows 10 is stuck in Airplane Mode

Turn OFF Airplane mode

Some users have reported a strange problem with their systems where their Windows 10 computer is stuck in Airplane mode. They can not disable the mode. This means that they can not use the Internet. The potential causes of the problem are faulty network drivers, a problem with Airplane mode, an activated physical switch, and so on. If you experience this problem, the first thing to do is restart the computer.

Windows 10 is stuck in airplane mode

If you are faced with the problem where your Windows 10 is stuck in airplane mode, try these suggestions to solve the problem:

  1. Check the status of the radio management service
  2. Update network drivers
  3. Disable airplane mode via system settings
  4. Disable the physical switch for airplane mode
  5. Edit the registry.

Let's see these corrections in detail.

1) Check the status of the radio management service

Windows 10 is stuck in airplane mode

This seemingly strange process seems to have helped a lot of people solve this problem. So you can try it and see if it helps you.

Press Win + R to open the Run window and type the command. services.msc. Press Enter to open the Service Manager window.

Right click on the Radio Management Service and select properties.

Change the startup type to disabled and click Apply. Windows will not let you disable the setting.

Restart the computer and airplane mode will be disabled.

Now, run CMD as an administrator and run the following commands:

ipconfig/release   ipconfig/renew  ipconfig/flushdns

This will flush the DNS cache.

Did it help you?

2) Update the network drivers

Update wireless network drivers

If the problem was caused by outdated drivers, you can consider updating them as follows:

Press Win + R to open the Run window and type the command. devmgmt.msc. Press Enter to open the Device Manager.

Develop the list of Network Adapters. Right click on the network card and select Update the driver.

You can also consider installing the drivers from the manufacturer's websites.

3) Disable airplane mode via system settings

Disable airplane mode

If you can not disable Airplane Mode via the taskbar, try to do it via the system settings.

Find airplane mode in the Windows search bar.

Click on the option to open the Airplane Mode Settings.

Turn the switch for Airplane mode to OFF.

4) Disable physical switch for airplane mode

Some computers come with a physical switch to enable or disable Airplane mode. If this switch is ON, you will not be able to disable Airplane Mode from the operating system, no matter what you try. So, you have to disable this physical switch before anything else.

5) Modify the register

Open the registry editor and navigate to this path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE System CurrentControlSet Control Class

Change the value of RadioEnable at 1.

See if that helps.

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