Error code 191, Unable to install UWP apps on Windows 10

Error code 191

Some Windows 10 users report experiencing issues in the past few months while installing Microsoft Store and UWP apps, including Adobe XD – a UWP application. In today's publication, we will try to suggest a solution to this problem.

In a nutshell, Universal Windows Platforms (UWP) apps – formerly Windows Store apps and Metro style apps are apps that can be used on all compatible Microsoft Windows devices, including personal computers (PCs) , tablets, smartphones, Xbox One, Microsoft HoloLens and Internet of Things (IoT).

Essentially, a UWP application is:

  • Secure: UWP apps declare device resources and the data they access. The user must authorize this access.
  • Able to use a common API on all devices running Windows 10.
  • Able to use device-specific capabilities and adapt the user interface to the device's different screen sizes, resolutions and DPI.
  • Available from the Microsoft Store on all devices (or only those you specify) that run on Windows 10. The Microsoft Store offers several ways to make money on your app.
  • Can be installed and uninstalled without risk to the machine or without incurring "machine rot".
  • Interesting: use dynamic thumbnails, push notifications, and user activities that interact with the Windows timeline and Cortana's Pick Up Where I Left Off, to engage users.
  • Programmable in C #, C ++, Visual Basic and Javascript. For the user interface, use XAML, HTML or DirectX.

Error code 191, unable to install UWP apps

To resolve this issue where error code 191 is raised when trying to install UWP apps from Microsoft Store, you need to reset Microsoft Store first and then update it . Follow the instructions below:

1) Reset Microsoft Store

Click on beginning and type cmd hit Enter to launch the command prompt window.

In the command prompt window, type the command below and press Enter.


Wait for Microsoft Store to start.

2) Update the Microsoft Store

When Store opens, click on the ellipsis (…) menu icon in the upper right corner.

To choose Downloads and updates.

Click on Get updates in the upper right corner.

Click this button to update the Microsoft Store with the other installed applications. Make sure all apps are updated successfully. If you are downloading UWP apps, you can install Application installer.

Restart your PC after all application updates are completed.

You should now be able to install any UWP application without any problems.

That's it, friends!

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