Synchronize Bookmarks in Firefox using these free tools

Synchronize Bookmarks in Firefox using these free tools

Firefox is one of the most popular web browsers today and the second behind Google Chrome. When it comes to bookmarks, the browser has plenty of options to make sure that users can access everything, no matter which computer system they use. Most users only know one way to Firefox bookmark synchronization on all devices, but today we will discuss several ways to do this. Each option here is free, so if you come across something that requires a paid account, please let us know.

Additionally, some of the tools here can be found on other web browsers, so keep that in mind when deciding which one to choose as your basic synchronization tool.

Best tools to sync Firefox bookmarks

It is important to make sure your Firefox bookmarks are always available from any computer via Firefox, so why not give these tools a try?

  1. Firefox Sync
  2. Poached
  3. EverSync
  4. Rain drop.

1) Firefox Sync

OK, the default feature for syncing your bookmarks across all devices is Firefox Sync. With this, the user will have to create a Firefox account before continuing. To do this, simply visit to create an account.

After completing the task, click the burger button in the upper right section of the Firefox web browser, then select the section that requests your login information.

Now, when it comes to syncing your bookmarks, we suggest that you click the burger menu again, then select Options, navigate to Sync, and under Sync ON, click Edit. From there, the user can choose what he wants to synchronize and, when finished, click Save Changes to complete the process.

2) pocket

Mozilla acquired Pocket, which means it is now a default feature of Firefox. Pocket allows us to save our favorite web pages to the cloud and access them from anywhere. You can either click the Pocket button in the URL bar to save pages or visit the website yourself.

There are a ton of options when using Pocket. Users can discover new and interesting articles that have been added by others, and to take this to the next level, click on the Explore tab and search for what you want to find.

3) EverSync

What we have here is an interesting extension for Firefox and other web browsers. With this at your fingertips, you will have the ability to access your bookmarks from any computer with Firefox or Chrome. The creators say their service is secure, which is good since all of the content is saved in the cloud.

Note that EverSync also has the ability to store speed dial numbers in the cloud.

Download EverSync via the official site.

4) raindrop

The free version of Raindrop is probably the best tool for carrying your bookmarks everywhere. Without having to pay a penny, people can synchronize their bookmarks, turn them into collections and access them on multiple devices.

As far as the paid version is concerned, well, that’s pretty good, but we won’t go into details because this article is mainly about free products. Just know that Raindrop Basic is 100% free at the moment, and we can only hope that nothing changes.

Download Raindrop via the official site.

Let us know if we missed something.

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